Haters everywhere!

As Rattlers we all know we've got haters. In good times --haters! In bad times-- haters!

One of our most consistent haters lately has been the Palm Beach Post newspaper. This is a paper that praises and glorifies just about every thing that Castell Bryant ever did to FAMU. Yep, I said did to! Not, did for/on behalf of. But did to !

For whatever reason, the PB Post, thought that Mrs. Bryant was just what the doctor ordered for FAMU.

Even though our new President, James Ammons, has spent his entire first year cleaning up Mrs. Bryant's --near fatal-- mess the Post somehow found a way to credit her with the University's turn around. Go figure!?!?

Somebody down there in Palm Beach County, and surely Rattlers everywhere, need to let them know better.

Here's their latest editorial.

Pay particular attention to paragraph six where it says:
The turnaround began with the appointment in early 2005 of no-nonsense interim President Castell Bryant.

Excuse my french, but them MF's don't get it do they? This is clearly one of those instances where the Post should have heeded my grandmothers advice, "If you can't say nothing good, baby, keep your (damn) mouth shut!"

Randy Schultz is editor of the Post's editorial page. He needs to hear from us. Send him an e-mail at: schultz@pbpost.com

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  1. I bet the Palm Beach Post actually thinks there is still a surplus of $8 million too !

  2. He will definitely hear from me. The Palm Beach Post is probably run by a bunch of incompetent misfits.

  3. "probably"?

  4. WHo is the New Dean of the college of Education???

  5. Didn't Castell hire Gainous when she was on the FAMU BOT?

  6. Hi Rattlers,

    A friend of mine told me about the Palm Beach Post article and suggested I visit you blog, after reading the article. I'm white and work at FSU but I was very outspoken about the fact that Castell Bryant WAS NOT helping FAMU. I work in an area that gives me some behind the scenes information, coming from my counterpart at FAMU. She wasn't opposed to Castell Bryant in the beginning; she was somewhere between being neutral and hoping that Bryant was going to turn some things around. But Bryant began to take actions that were so clearly wrong, and against all standard financial standards, that my friend quickly became aware that Bryant could lead FAMU into legal problems. It started when Bryant fired almost everyone who knew what was going on and in a position to fix it, and replaced those people with people who would ONLY say good things about Bryant. It was a house of cards that was doomed to fall....and it did. The Palm Beach Post is CRAZY if they give Bryant any credit for turning FAMU around. We are lucky she didn't ruin the University. Hang in there, Rattlers. As a sister university and a Tallahassee historical treasure, we'll on your side. Someone please post to this blog if the PPB responds to an RN blogger's complaint about today's editorial. Thanks for listening...great blog...I wish FSU had one that wasn't about sports....

  7. It started when Bryant fired almost everyone who knew what was going on and in a position to fix it, and replaced those people with people who would ONLY say good things about Bryant.

    You mean hiring people like Jackie Maxie, her best girl friend Eva Wanton's daughter, in the budget office don't you.?

  8. The Palm Beach Post is RepubliKKKlan Steve Ulfelder's rag, and he's had a hard-on for FAMU every since Dr. Humphries cussed his azz out back in the day. Him, Ron Matus, Bill Maxwell, Jeb Bush, and the rest of the haters are about as relevant as yesterday's spit on the sidewalk.

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