Fla's economy deals FAMU further budget cuts


State agencies including public schools and universities learned last week that their budgets will be reduced by an additional four percent. One day after signing an already pared-down $66-billion state budget that trimmed nearly 5.1 percent from FAMU's budget Gov. Charlie Crist put FAMU, and other state agencies, on notice that he's holding back an additional 4 percent in anticipation that state tax collections and revenues continuing to fall below expectations.

The news was not unexpected, given the reports on state tax collections this spring.

For FAMU, the additional 4 percent reduction amounts to a little over $1 million a quarter and leaves the university facing a total budget reduction of about $10 million caused by the state's poor economy.

It could get worse
If voters approve a November ballot proposal (Amendment #5) to eliminate local property taxes as a source of revenue for education, the same action a year from now would mean double the pain.

Also see: FAMU Day Care could be curbed by cuts

Cuts could force layoffs

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  1. And the number of Assistant Vice Presidents continue to sprout like weeds--they are all just about as worthless. The Administration continues the long-standing pattern of feeding themselves first while everyone else starves.

  2. There are a couple of people in my department who can/should go !

    Let's start a thread to help identify folks who should go.

  3. The salaries that some of the FAMU administrators make are definitely inflated. However, the state of Florida has mismanaged a lot of money and now its universities are suffering. The budget cuts are adversely affecting most of the SUS schools pretty heavily.

  4. Inflated compared to what?

  5. inflated, apparently, compared to most professors' salaries.

  6. duh! administrators generally make more than professors. they have greater responsibility. that's why they are called administrators!

  7. It depends, 8:01, what you mean by "greater responsibilities." Not all administrators have "great" responsibilties, much less "greater." You must be some type of "administrator" or you wouldn't be online wasting company time. You'd be doing some real, professorial work. Duh!

  8. I think many Floridians were duped into this admenment 5 deal, thinking that it would solve all of our problems. Sadly it leaves all branches of education under funded. We all must remember taxes are a double edged sword, it looks like we are about to see the other side of the sword at FAMU.

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