Pharmacy students study in Jacksonville

da rattler

From WJXT Jacksonville:

While the campus of Florida A&M University is in Tallahassee, students from one of their most notable programs study in Jacksonville.

The FAMU College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Studies places students in clinics in the area.

Growing up, Jenna Ezenwa, a student in the college's program, wanted to be pediatrician. "And then I realized in my 11th-grade year that I was squeamish, so I changed my major to pharmacy," Ezenwa said.

When it was time for her to look for a college, FAMU, a historically black college, was the perfect fit.

"We have an excellent program," said Dr. Frank Emanuel, professor of pharmacology at FAMU. "We can compete with any college of pharmcacy in the state or nation for that matter."

Emanuel said the six-year doctors of pharmacy program is competitive.

"Students usually have a 3.5 grade point average," Emanuel said. "In order to get into the program, they have to make about a 1200 on the SAT."

But in the end, graduates get hired.

After earning their bachelor's degree, students spend an additional two years getting hands-on experience in Tallahassee, Tampa and Jacksonville.

Although the campus is on the Southside off of Art Museum Drive, students intern all over the city.

Ezenwa studies at the Agape clinic on the Northside.

"The drug interactions that a patient may be having that you just didn't notice initially," Ezenwa said, "catching things that other physicians or other pharmacists didn't catch."

It's a difficult skill to master, but Emanuel said the hard work is worth it.

"We go out to the high schools and do career development programs," Emanuel said. Emanuel often recruits minorities in the Jacksonville area, turning them on to a career that can have big rewards. In spite of the economy, health professionals stay in demand.

For Ezenwa, who'll graduate from the program in 2010, that's reassuring.

"It definitely gives me peace of mind because you know that the store I'm working at now will probably offer us a position," she said.

The Jacksonville campus is relatively new to the area. It's been there since 2001 and now is trying to establish its presence by recruiting local high school students into the program.

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  1. The College only offers the Pharm.D. for graduates [Doctor of Pharmacy]. They spend 2 years in Pre-Pharmacy Courses, then enter the Professional Progran in their 3rd year, i.e. 1st Professional Year of Pharmacy Curriculum, and for the next 4 years, complete the requirements, which includes Clinical Training as mentioned in this article. When all is said and done, they are Doctors of Pharmacy from the BEST PROGRAM IN THE LAND - FAMU! Go Rattlers!!!!!

  2. 12:00 am,

    And you said all that to say what?

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