Alston no longer a member of FAMU Foundation Board of Directors

big rattler
1 minute read
Gov. Rick Scott's reelection campaign says it won't use this footage of Corey Alston in future ads
The latest list of the FAMU Foundation Board of Directors members on no longer includes Corey Alston’s name.

Alston, a former member of the FAMU Board of Trustees, stepped down as the chairman of the FAMU Foundation last year in the wake of a grand theft charge against him. But his name remained on the list of board members for months afterward.

According to the Tampa Bay Times’ The Buzz blog: “Corey Alson, 35 of Lauderhill, pleaded not guilty in March to charges of grand theft, corrupt misuse of [an] official position and misuse of public office or employment. Prosecutors accused him of coordinating a deal to be compensated $25,139 for 498 hours in unused sick time and he resigned in February. He was later indicted on four additional counts of grand theft, one count of grand theft over $20,000 and one count of aggravated white-collar crime. After the incident, the governor suspended the three city officials who approved the payout to Alston.”

But despite Gov. Rick Scott’s decision to suspend those three commissioners, footage of Alston still found its way into a recent advertisement released by his reelection campaign.  

The web ad, entitled “540,000,” claims that the Florida economy has gotten better as a result of Scott’s governorship. It features a scene of the governor chatting with Corey Alston and his brother Torey Alston in Fort Lauderdale.

When reporters contacted the Scott campaign about the Corey Alston footage, a spokesman responded by saying: “The ad uses old footage from 2010 and is not running as part of any paid digital effort. The footage will not be used again going forward."

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