Clinkscales named among top 100 cable executives

big rattler
1 minute read
FAMU alumnus Keith Clinkscales has been named among the most influential power players in the
cable industry.

Clinkscales, CEO of Sean “Diddy” Combs' REVOLT Media, appears on the CableFax Magazine “Top 100 Executives in Cable” list in the publication's April 2014 issue. He will also be honored this week in Los Angeles at The Cable Show, the cable industry's largest annual trade show and conference.

Previous “Top 100 Executives” include: BET Networks Chairman and CEO Debra Lee, HDNet Chairman Mark Cuban, C-SPAN President Rob Kennedy, Viacom President Doug Herzog and National Geographic CEO David Lyle.

After receiving his degree in accounting and finance from FAMU's School of Business and Industry, Clinkscales has gone on to serve as the president and CEO of VIBE magazine, an ESPN executive, chairman and CEO of Vanguarde Media and CEO of The Shadow League Digital.

With more than 20 years of career success under his belt, Clinkscales' previous honors include two National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ) Excellence in Journalism Awards, two Peabody Awards, the National Magazine Award, an Emmy nomination and most recently he was named among the “Top 50 Minorities in Cable” by Cableworld Magazine.

Clinkscales received his MBA from Harvard Business School and was recently awarded the Professional Achievement Award from Harvard's African American Alumni Association.

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