FAMU’s Fall 2017 freshmen have 3.39 average GPA, SAT scores above Florida and national averages

big rattler
1 minute read
Florida A&M University enrolled a total of 9,913 students in Fall 2017. That’s the biggest number of students the school has had since Fall 2015, when there were 9,920 students.

The average GPA for the freshman class is 3.39.

That GPA average is 0.15 less than the 3.54 from Fall 2016. But the SAT scores for the freshmen are higher than the Florida and national averages.

According to the Orlando Sentinel, “the average SAT score was 1017 in Florida, out of a possible 1600, and 1070 nationally. The average composite ACT score in Florida was 19.8 out of 36 compared to 21 nationally.”

FAMU freshmen posted a 1077 average on the SAT. The freshmen also have an average ACT score of 21, which is above the Florida average and the same as the national average.

The Sentinel reported that 93 percent of the students in the Florida high school senior class of 2017 took the "new" SAT.

North Carolina A&T remains the largest single campus historically black college or university (HBCU) with 11,877 students for Fall 2017. Its freshmen had an average GPA of 3.51. But the FAMU freshmen topped the NCA&T freshmen in SAT and ACT scores. The average SAT score for NCA&T freshmen is 1,023 and the average ACT score is 20.

FAMU lost $1.4M in tuition and fees in 2015-2016 due to the decline in enrollment. The enrollment bump will give FAMU its first boost in tuition and fees since 2011-2012.

Applications at FAMU went up from 7,813 for Fall 2016 to 8,952 for Fall 2017.       

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