BOT to vote on replacing McGuinn, Cropper, Diamond, Wheatley with new 700-bed facility

big rattler
1 minute read
The Florida A&M University Board of Trustees is set to vote on plans to demolish Wheatley, Cropper, Diamond, and McGuinn Halls and replace them with a new 700-bed facility.

All four dormitories have been offline since Fall 2014, when FAMU Village opened. FAMU Village replaced the previously demolished Polkinghorne Village and has 800 beds.

The predevelopment agreement approved by the FAMU Board of Trustees (BOT) Budget, Finance and Facilities Committee yesterday states that the project will provide “the construction of a student housing facility containing approximately 700 beds, and a dining facility containing approximately between 6,000 and 8,000 square feet of usable space (“Phase 1A”).” The full FAMU BOT will vote on the agreement today.

According to the project proposal by Construct Two Construction Managers, Inc., the facility will have “two 4-story ‘H-Shape’ buildings with 351 beds each (702 beds total)” and be finished by July 2020.

McGuinn first started housing students in 1938. It was followed by Diamond and Cropper in 1947 and then Wheatley in 1953.

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