FAMU earns Collegiate Purple Star Campus designation

da rattler

In a significant recognition of its dedication to supporting military servicemembers, veterans, and their families, FAMU has been designated as a Collegiate Purple Star Campus by the Florida Department of Education.
This prestigious designation underscores FAMU's unwavering commitment to addressing the unique needs of military-connected students. The initiative, outlined in the Florida Statutes, aims to provide crucial support and resources to servicemembers and their families as they transition into the academic environment.
FAMU's attainment of the Collegiate Purple Star Campus designation highlights the proactive measures the university has taken in assisting military-affiliated individuals in navigating the challenges associated with higher education.  The university has implemented tailored programs and services geared towards easing the transition process for these students, ensuring they receive the support necessary to excel academically and personally.
FAMU President Larry Robinson, expressed his pride in achieving this recognition, stating, "At FAMU, we are deeply committed to fostering an inclusive and supportive environment for all students, including those who have served or are currently serving in the military. Being designated as a Collegiate Purple Star Campus is a testament to our ongoing efforts to honor and assist our military community."
There are approximately 450 military-connected students currently enrolled at FAMU, according to Dilbert Louis, director of the Department of Military Affairs.
FAMU, the University of North Florida, and the University of West Florida are the first three universities in the state of Florida to be awarded this designation.

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