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da rattler
Hollins Group Invoice
(Confident Hollins Group sends contract and invoice at the same time. This is one of the five invoices, all have what appears to be Debra Austin's signature on them. It didn't make sense to put them all up, we're trying to save space. Click invoice to make larger.)

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  1. I'm an alumna, FAMU supporter, and employee of the University. It just simply never ceases to amaze me what folk in power do these days. To put Michael Brown on paid adminsitrative leave makes absolutely no sense. Who's going to "get permission" from someone to do a job that is yours to do in the first place? I see some snakes in the grass, but I don't see any real and true Ratters. I can assure you that Fred Gainous is sitting back smiling at all of this madness. Everyone was so anxious to get rid of him. Like my momma used to tell me: Be careful what you ask for. Castell, Challis, and Debra ought to have a difficult time sleeping at night because of their mistreatment of SO MANY people. But with hearts of steel, I imagine they snooze just fine, and get up the next day all rested to go and do some more damage. They must have a direct line to God, becuase if I treated my fellow sisters and brothers the way these three people have, I'd be afraid of the future and what it could potentially hold. God holds people accountable for their actions. Each of these women just may need to get some degrees in mathematics so that they can understand just how accountable they are going to be held for their insensitive and callous actions. Enough is Enough.

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