When is a DSO not a DSO?

da rattler
In a seven hour meeting yesterday, the FAMU BOT Budget and Finance subcommittee took a look at the operation of all FAMU direct support organizations (DSOs)-- the Boosters, Alumni, Foundation and the newly formed Florida Classic Consortium. During yesterday's meeting our Interim President pushed to have Trustee representation on the boards of each of the DSOs, Boosters, Alumni & Foundation. All but Florida Classic Consrtium.

It seems the FCC was overlooked, until one Trustee asked was it not also a DSO, and shouldn't it not also be treated as the others. This same trustee asked the question why was this the case? To which a surprised Castell answered because it's different. The question arose how much did the Classic contribute last year? Castell didn't answer. Nelson Townsend deflected the the trustees' question also. This is percisely the reason that if these other DSOs are to have Board representation so must the FCC, the trustee snapped back.

Atlanta Football Classic Contract not fully executed

Another interesting tidbit of information that arose during yesterday's subcommittee meeting is that we are less than one month away from the start of football season and the major contracts for the Florida Classic have not been signed. There again, our bargaining power has been reduced if we are seeking a title sponsor. Title sponsors seek early contracts that allow them to maximize their branding and advertising potential. Further, the contract with the 100 Black Ment has not been fully executed by the university. Will FAMU be able to negotiate more than a measly $200,000 payoff (negotiated by Liz McBride the past 2 years) with the Atlanta Football Classic received last year?

Consider that the 100 BMOA has already secured a title sponsor for the game and is now seeking to have the game televised and has left FAMU and Tennessee State out of the negotiation process, because the contract isn't fully executed.

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  1. Most of you who read my posts on the other MB's already know how I feel about us continuing to ALLOW ourselves to be pimped by the 100BMA ...

    But I hope NOW you all will finally "WTFU" - And realize that we can make as much as FIVE TIMES the chump change that we are given for filling someone ELSE's city and facilities up ... By playing TSU at HOME!

    I've told people last week there was likely a reason why that figure for the ATL Classic was not mentioned in the article regaring FAMU's $8.4M Budget ... Because they didn't want YOU all to get incensed - or rather - feel ashamed - at the fact that we are only receiving pennies for dragging our Team AND the Band to a city that could giove less than a flick whether you were there or not.

    Compound it by the fact that the 100BMA have pocketed an estimated $9M, and are televising the Game directly into the homes of the people YOU all are trying to get to attend ... And you should be able to see that we are in a LOSE - LOSE situation.

    Folks ... There ain't enough party in the ATL for you for us to continue to be embarrassed like this. It's simply time to turn this game into a HOME & Home series ... OR ... Demand no less than $1M - PLUS EXPENSES for remaining there.

    BOTH TSU and the 100BMA know who's the true draw to that Game ... So now it's time for US to grow the kahunas to demand what we want!

    ... As for the Mickey Bowl Classic - That's another discussion entirely!

  2. I agree with you 100%. It is about time for use to step up to the plate and stop being pimped. I am often drawn to the advise my father imparted to me when I was growing up. "Never put yourself in the position to be beholding to anyone." And in this situation we have definitely beholding to the 100BMA and they are in the postion to hold the cards.

  3. I am all in favor of playing Tenn. St. on a home and home basis. Back in the day, that game was played to standing room only crowds at Bragg.

  4. You get what you negotiate. If FAMU were at the table, we could probably do better. You can't negotiate if you ain't in the room!!!!

    Also why is Liz McBride doing the negotiating?

  5. Where is Nelson Townsend on these issues? Has he met with the 100 BM, and if so does anyone know what was the outcome?

  6. so.........what exactly does it mean that the contract wasn't "fully executed"?

    Did we fail to reach milestones (pre-sold ticket sales, etc.) that would kick in a bonus?

    Just want more clarification. I guess with the Sunshine Law we can read what was said.

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