No charges filed in 19 month old payroll audit

da rattler
Remember Cast-hell's much ballyhooed "payroll audit", the one that lead to the termination of 41 employees some 19 months ago? Well a call to the State's Attorney's Office and FDLE yesterday revealed that no state charges have been filed against anyone in the case.

That includes the now famous Kentucky Lawyer Shirley Cunningham, who made a $1 million donation to the FAMU College of Law, and had become the public face of this manufactured scandal.

Interestingly enough, the results of the "payroll audit" have never been made public despite the constant pleas of former Trustee Barney Bishop. However, it is widely known around campus that one of the individuals caught up in the audit remains gainfully employeed at the University, in fact this individual got a promotion.

The State's Attorney's Office and FDLE both said, yesterday, that if charges have been filed in 19 months that it isn't likely any will be forthcoming.

See: 41 fired after payroll audit

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  1. no charges filed, cause old girl faked us out again!

    seems shirley is in more of a pickle...oh my!

  3. Do you all think Castell will get booed at the Florida Classic?

  4. i got the chant ready...morale is low...casthell must go! we ready! she better not come!

  5. Who you talking bout, Lisa Lang? Been tiptoeing around her name for months. If ya gonna tell the story, tell it all.

  6. yes! Lisa Lang whatever her new name is. her!

  7. If Castell isn't BOOed, she oughts to be.

  8. What's the deal with LisaL?

  9. Just think how bad that will make FAMU look in front of BCC. We should not boo our President.

  10. Look how bad a $10M deficit and 2,000+ enrollment drop makes us look in front of B-CC.

  11. Castell won't get booed at the FLA Classic, not enough Rattlers are in the know to boo her roundly. Most of them probably still think she is doing a great job getting the house in order.

  12. To anon at 3:19 pm on 11/14:

    Here are the new links about Cunningham, Jr.


  13. Seeing as Cunningham may have to give back some of that cheddar, do you think he will come knocking at Cassie's door for a refund on his donation with interest?

  14. No one has said anything about how Cast-hell's abrupt firing of these 41 people riuned their lives and caused stress to their respective families and loved ones.
    Nor has anyone talked about how many of them have moved on and gotten better jobs despite Cast-hell's niggardly dismissal of those hard working FAMU loving-employees.
    I am sure you won't see that reported in the Tallahasse Dixie -Crat or any other Florida newspaper because Black folks only seem to make news if they're going to jail.
    I proprose a email campaign to get this piece of news into the Dixi-crat and Capital Outlook.

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