FAMU Navigators offer students an opportunity to develop deep friendships in a faith-based environment

da rattler
2 minute read

FAMU students seeking a wholesome and supportive college experience that doesn't involve alcohol based parties and weed can find comradery in the Navigators (Navs’) a lively faith-based, Christian ministry that offers students a community-driven space to form friendships and engage in social activities without the typical college pressures.  

The Navigators meet weekly for “Squads,” which are peer-led Bible study groups. They also host a monthly event called “Nav Night,” where members come together for fellowship over food, music, and games. These gatherings provide opportunities for students to find community through engaging and meaningful activities. McKinley C.K. Wilson, a senior African American Studies student at FAMU and the president of Navs’, shares how his experience with Navs’ extends beyond just religious study.

“I was looking for a Christian community on FAMU’s campus,” Wilson said. “We’re not just a Bible study group; the people I’ve met in Navs’ are genuinely my friends. We laugh, have fun, and even get ‘lit’—just in a way that glorifies God.”

For Wilson, Navs’ has reshaped his college experience, teaching him that social fun doesn’t have to include vices like substance use.

“Before Navs’, I thought fun in college meant getting high or casual hookups. But now, I realize that clean fun is not only better for you but also more fulfilling,” Wilson says. “You can have fun without doing those things, and honestly, clean fun is better—not just for you, but to you.”

Navs’ is more than just a group; it’s a supportive community. “The friendships I’ve made here are unique and priceless,” said Jazmyne Guy, a junior studying Health Care Management. “My Navs’ friends are my prayer warriors, my bear hugs, and my loud laughter.”

In addition to weekly Bible studies, Navs’ regularly hosts bonding activities like movie nights, bowling trips, and spontaneous gatherings. Recently, members of Navs’ met up at a local restaurant, Culver’s, for a night of dancing, gospel music, and laughter.

Navs’ offers an alternative to nightlife, allowing students to have fun and be themselves in a positive environment.


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