A new day for FAMU

da rattler
0 minute read
Congratulations and welcome home to Florida A&M University's new president, James H. Ammons. May your tenure, Mr. President, be marked by great success.

Like other presidents before him, Mr. Ammons faces major challenges.

With the selection Thursday of Mr. Ammons as its new president, a new era will soon be under way.

Read more: FAMU rising

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  1. Welcome Home Dr. Ammons....

  2. The Corbin, Cast-Hell, Challis is Low era is all but over.

    FAMU can breathe again. It's been waiting to exhale for five years.

    It will take a little time to clean out the house, but the broom is coming!

    It truly is the dawn of a new day for FAMU!


    How exciting! And how wonderful it is to have this news during Black History Month.

    F R E E A T L A S T!

    Oh, Freedom
    Oh-o freedom.
    Oh-o freedom
    Oh freedom over me,
    (Over me.)
    And before I be a slave
    I'll be buried in my grave.
    And go home to my Lord and be free.
    (and be free.)

    No more Castell and company
    No more Castell and company
    No more Castell and company
    Over us
    (Over us)
    And they wanted us as slaves
    Even sent several to their graves.
    But now that Ammons is coming, WE BE FREE!
    (We be free.)


  4. In the words of "Cinqué: Give us...us free."

    Amistad (1997 film)

  5. There are still a bunch of tough choices that Dr. Ammons will need to make. He's going to have to move us forward. So if you are in drop stay in drop and if you need to be, do the right thing: mold the next generation of leadership but don't try to reclaim it.

    Humphries tactics are cool but many of his players and some of his plays are played. Although, we appreciate and honor their historic service, and lord knows some of them still bleed orange and green, it's time for those, "I've been here for 30 years", to start passing the baton - deservingly and not incestuously. Cast-Hell & Co. are not the only ones on the hill acting an ass with cronyism.

    We were sick and needed to reinvent ourselves before Castell. Just because we've changed physicians doesn't mean we've changed our condition. At some point, even the best Physician will have a rough time and it doesn’t matter that the patient is his mama. Going forward is going to be tough.

    A large portion of FAMU's current student body, were not prepared for the University experience and many can not afford to be here. It's going to take at least three years to get them through the pipeline and let's just pray that we don't dumb down our standards in the process nor allow others to judge us before we recover.

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