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da rattler
0 minute read
Castell stop lying! Please just stop it!

(should be posted around 12 noon)

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  1. She won't stop till someone picks a loose brick and.....

  2. I am feeling you on that one, Fabian.

  3. RN please give us the lie and who we can inform of this big white lie.

  4. I am thoroughly convinced now that the master plan for FAMU is to turn it back into just a producer of undergraduate degreed African-Americans to boost the state of FL's racial numbers. After seeing Jennifer Jefferson, Tallahassee Democrat reporter, at the Honor's Convocation yesterday where Dr. Frederick S. Humphries spoke and defended his administration and absolutely nothing is in today's Tallahassee Democrat screams conspiracy in a big way. Humphries said boldly that the problems FAMU is now experiencing did not happen on his watch and even exposed that Fred Gainous could not close the books until Humphries staffers wrote a letter to tell him where the $3 million was that he needed to close the books. Now Cast-Hell just gives away the College of Engineering to TK Wetherell, who was the last state legislator to propose merger between FAMU and FSU, we MUST NOT LET THIS HAPPEN. James Corbin, Cast-Hell Bryant, Challis IS LOWE, and all of their cronies should be kicked in their royal asses for allowing FAMU to fall to this state of affairs. This is absolutely the worst six years in FAMU's glorious history and we have Mr. Corbin to thank for it. He's virtually handing FAMU over to its enemies. I'm mad as hell! This board is the PITS! Daryl Parks, Maurice Holder and Dr. Ammons will need our help to stand and fight any and everyone who wants to turn the clock back on FAMU. IT AIN'T GONNA HAPPEN!!!!!!!

  5. Castell stop lying! Please just stop it!

    LOL! That's about as easy for her to do as it is you standing in front of and trying to stop an oncoming CSX coal train.

    You can spray all of the Febreeze you want to on a skunk's behind, but in the end it still smell like a ...

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