A surprised and incensed board of trustees reluctantly approved the settlement agreements - two of which it hadn't even seen - at today's meeting.
"This is absolute mismanagement and irresponsibility," said trustee Pamela Duncan. "I'm livid about it, and the public should be livid about it."
Continue reading: Trustess shocked !!
Also see: More contracting gone wild!
Contracting gone wild at EIT
Castell Bryant oughts to be tied to a whipping post and beat like she stole something off. If she's stretched out on her couch she needs to get up off her rear end, go to the bank and withdraw some of the money she owes those contractors. Why is it that the university must pay this money to these people. I'm outraged that this has happened. Surely Castell Bryant can be made to account for what she has done. I think surely that the woman lost her mind. It's simply a damn shame with what the woman has done.
ReplyDeleteIt goes without saying that Mr. Henderson and Ms. Ali should probably start cleaning out their offices now
ReplyDelete"Ammoms, your next!!!" -Liz Mcbride
ReplyDeleteYes Henderson and Ali should start packing!
ReplyDeleteThe trustees should not be shocked, they should be sued. Any board of directors of a major corporation would have been fired and sued for such gross negligence.
ReplyDeleteI am confused! Castell said she met with the leadership team several times about the agreements, so that means that all of Cassies croonies were aware. Seems like the EIT guy was the Fall Guy. No way a man of his status would go wild without a verbal commitment from Cassie - do the math rattlers.
ReplyDeleteThis BOT is the worst board ever. How come no one is held accountable for results. When will the Board admit they have failed the FAMU community.
ReplyDeleteNot only did Castell leave us with a $4.3M bill, her refusal to spend the appropriated $2M for Planning the Pharmacy research Lab and the governor's veto of $7.5M because of the lack of that Planning Shows the need for a new BOT. FAMU also loss money because of Bryant's failure to recruit. FAMU will suffer from Bryany's mismanagement for years to come.
ReplyDeleteThe Board of Trustees sat by idly fr three years and watched the University fall apart. Now they're shocked and outraged?
ReplyDeleteIf these contractors were supervising FAMU employees how did noone know what was going on? Sounds shaky to me.
ReplyDeleteYeah, somebody high up in the administration had to know. Lies, lies and mo lies.
ReplyDeletewell you can't blame ALL BOT members, some of them just hopped on this express train to doom. But why all the members except 2 voted to pay these consultants? Why would you (consultants) still work without a contract? Henderson just let them keep working. That is bad business. FAM should have settled this in court. And Henderson should have heard "u'r fired" like Donald Trump after that meeting yesterday. Henderson knows he's got to pack up.
ReplyDeleteCastell knew about this mess, she just wasn't going to take the fall. And why? She don't have to, she didn't sign anying.
ReplyDelete12:34, you said it best. Castell didn't sign anything and the board didn't make her. And ol' girl's laying low, with big $$ in the bank, saying, "Look at them folks squirm." Castell, the BOT, and everyone else associated with this mess ought to hang their heads in shame.
ReplyDeleteHey 5/25/2007 8:48 AM
ReplyDeleteWe know its you – VP Larry Henderson AKA Lying Larry -- and after the Board meeting, we definitely know that you are confused!!! Verbal commitments don’t count when creating liabilities for FAMU and the State of Florida. Executives should know better, and should be held accountable for their actions!!! And Larry, the next time you plan on Chain Lying, don’t do it at a public meeting where all eyes and ears are on you. Who did you expect to razzle and dazzle with your dog and pony show? Our Trustees and much smarter than that!!! You thought that since you have been recently communicating with Trustees Jennings, Diallo, Holmes and others that they would give you a free pass and allow you to shift your responsibility for this financial nightmare to President Bryant. Obviously your smooth talking didn’t work this time and it is clear that you have crossed the line with the BOT, VP’s and CVB!!!
Like Dr. Ali said, ALL VP’s (yes including you) must:
1. Operate within the constraints of their budget, even if it hurts, and
2. Follow the procurement guidelines – like having a signed contract and PO before you have work performed – simple stuff like that.
That’s what fiscally responsible people do -- you big city smooth talker. What did “A man of your status” do before coming to FAMU Larry? – Sell used cars? We understand that the Provost brought you here – if you are smart (which seems questionable), you will leave with her, but like you said Larry when referring to FAMU employees, “you can’t fix stupid”. Were you referring to the FAMU employees or yourself? We also understand that you bankrupt your own personal company just like you are bankrupting FAMU – I guess you can’t fix stupid – right Larry!!!
The Rattler Nation needs to research Larry's 3/24/07 BOT boldface LIES starting with the top FIVE lies (there are many more, but this should be a good start):
1. FAMU employees occupy the key management positions in EIT – I don’t think so!!!
We understand that they are “Temp to Perm” contractors/consultants. Larry, by the way, we heard you refer to a select group of your contractor/consultant friends as “Temp to Perm” -- What is “Temp to Perm” Larry? Hopefully not an illegal arrangement concocted by you to bypass the established University hiring policies, procedures and guidelines – but what do policies and procedures mean to you Larry? – apparently NOTHING!!! You are a RENEGADE willfully operating outside of the established rules and regulations of the University and are a LIABILITY and RISK to this great institution!!!!!!!!!! Larry, we understand that Dr. Robinson approved your leave allowing you to run back home to Chicago immediately after the BOT lashing to lick your wounds. If you are wise – which we doubt- you will stay there and take your friend, roommate, and currently MGT consultant #10 that you brought down from Chicago – James Hardy back with you to the windy city!!! It must be nice Larry to put your friends on the payroll at $160.00 per hour. Who cares where the money comes from – right Larry? Who cares if the students, faculty and staff suffer as a result of your actions -- right Larry?
Here is the EIT management consultant roster most of which bill the university from $150 to $175 per hour – do the math (by the way -- Larry calls them FAMU employees – stop Lying Larry, but I guess you can’t):
1. Associate Vice President, EIT – Johnny Nash -- MGT “Tem to Perm” consultant
2. Director, EIT Service Center – Asim Zulfiqar -- MGT “Tem to Perm” consultant
3. Assoc Director, EIT Service Center -- Lawrence Bechtel -- MGT “Tem to Perm” consultant
4. eCommerce Manager – Justin Meyer -- MGT “Tem to Perm” consultant
5. Webmaster – Kathy Kroll -- MGT “Tem to Perm” consultant
6. Chief Information Security Officer – Michael McAvoy -- MGT “Tem to Perm” consultant
7. Information Security Manager – Arthur Bialowas -- MGT “Tem to Perm” consultant
8. Network Manager – James Horton -- MGT “Tem to Perm” consultant
9. Senior Network Engineer – James Marshall – Presidio consultant
10. Director, PMO – James Hardy -- MGT “Tem to Perm” consultant
11. Director, Analytics & Performance Management – Bart Walz -- MGT consultant
12. Accounting Manager – Marva Ford-Jones -- MGT “Tem to Perm” consultant
Consultants/contractors # 2,4,10,12 were hired after Jan 1, 2007 with Larry’s complete understanding that contracts and PO’s were NOT in place. Gross mismanagement is an understatement Trustee Duncan, this borderlines criminal. Trustees and RN, watch Larry very closely, we understand that he plans on keeping his temp to perm consultants onboard after the 5/31/07 settlement date without contracts or PO’s – keep your eyes on Lying Larry!!! He stated in the BOT meeting that MGT and MIS consultants/contractors (“Temp to Perm” and others) settlement agreements are scheduled to end May 31, 2007 and the contractors/consultants would be leaving at that time, and would not return until the appropriate competitive bidding process is complete -- we think that he is lying again!!!
By the way, most FAMU employees report to Larry’s consultants now. Check the records, he even has consultants/contractors signing payroll certifications/time sheets/ leave forms, etc. I didn’t know that non FAMU employees could do that. Does this follow the policy and procedures in place in the HR office? Larry is also using Title III and other precious University funds to provide training and travel for his consultant friends – don’t know if that falls within the appropriate guidelines either, but I doubt it very seriously. When have you ever heard of something like that? Larry is already paying a premium for consultants/contractors -- who should already be trained before they come to FAMU, so if we understand clearly, Larry is paying to train consultants, attend conferences on the University’s tab, and travel from coast to coast (multiple trips to California, Boston, Arizona, …). Larry you have some explaining to do!!! And when you thought that it couldn’t get any worse, Larry has authorized his management consultants/contractors to hire, fire, and manage other consultants. One episode placed a FAMU employee in danger when consultant #3 housed in Lee Hall fired another consultant and left the female FAMU employee uninformed, alone, and defenseless until the FAMU Police arrived. FAMU is the laughing stock of the major consulting firms. They lick their chops when we inquire about services because they know it’s a gravy train under the leadership of Larry. Where is the oversight? Where is the accountability? Who (other than Lying Larry) operates in this fashion?
2. EIT consultant load is currently reduced to 20 – I don’t think so!!!
Here is the remaining EIT consultant roster (at least the ones he is telling us about):
1. Vasu Gorantla (MGT)
2. Barry Sahu (MGT)
3. Ruth Owen (MIS)
4. Valencia Borders (BORDERS)
5. Neron Ferguson (BORDERS)
6. Joseph Houlihan (BORDERS)
7. Gary Livingston (CEDARCRESTONE)
8. Maureen Parrotte (CEDARCRESTONE)
10. Lawrence Britton (CEDARCRESTONE)
11. Tim Foley (CEDARCRESTONE “Temp to Perm”)
12. Ray Nelson (CEDARCRESTONE)
13. Jennifer Stien (CEDARCRESTONE)
14. Tammy Warren (CEDARCRESTONE)
15. Saraht Nallamudi (MGT “Temp to Perm”)
16. Stewart Graham (MGT)
17. Douglass Morash (MGT “Temp to Perm”)
18. Sreedhevi Sampath (MGT)
19. Roger White (MIS)
20. Pamela Linton (MGT “Temp to Perm”)
21. Vincent Phan (MGT)
22. Jeff Lui (MGT)
23. Glenda Dixon (MIS)
Larry, you claim to have a MBA – math is simple – 12+23 = 35 --- NOT 20 --- stop Lying Larry!!! Lets do the math – at least 35 consultants * 40 hours per week * 52 weeks is approximately 11 MILLION DOLLARS per year on just consultants ALONE. And Larry, IF you have a MBA, how did you overspend your budget by 4.4 million dollars? You should have gone to FAMU’s School of Business!! Maybe you would have learned something from Sybil – like accounting!!! And Larry, why won’t you hire FAMU employees instead of continuing to hire consultants creating never ending financial hardships that the University can’t sustain? Kick-backs maybe? Outsourcing all aspects of IT maybe? Destruction of the University maybe? Larry, you have some explaining to do!!!
3. Consultants/contractors had to remain onboard, even without a contract after postponing going live with HCM/Payroll in December – I don’t think so!!! Why do you need the contractors if you are not going live? I know why, to play golf and socialize with Rick Beyer, your Payroll savior and rubber stamp man you hired from FSU when they were in the process of firing him. He is the same person that FAILED to implement FAMU’s HCM/Payroll system. He is the same person you had at the BOT meeting desperately trying to defend your actions regarding the EIT gone wild contract fiasco until the BOT abruptly cut him off. You have a lot of explaining to do Larry!!!
4. The leadership team selected IBM over Oracle and CedarCrestone for the Peoplesoft hosting contract – I don’t think so!!! We understand that the figures were twisted to make IBM look better than the others on paper (like Enron). For once, just tell the truth Larry!!
5. The increase in the IBM contract which is less than one year old, was due to transaction logging requirements from the state audit – I don’t think so!!!– We understand that Larry and company (Stephany Fall, Veronica Stokes, Rick Beyer) manipulated the numbers to award the contract to Larry’s IBM friends. FAMU folks on the take and selling their souls because Larry promised and handed out hefty raises to promote his devious agenda – so sad.
As trustee Duncan said, Larry MUST be held accountable for gross mismanagement of his executive responsibilities. Trustee Jennings, we pray that your words were not idle and that we have not heard the last of this. Reverend Holmes, if you believe as we believe that Larry was not truthful and transparent with the BOT, you MUST take the appropriate actions before he creates additional liabilities without regard to the harm it creates for FAMU. This is your opportunity to restore our confidence in FAMU’s BOT and to provide the best chance of success for Dr. Ammons. Speak now or resign from the FAMU BOT!!!
The contracts were signed by everyone except Bryant. She was well aware that the contractors were working under contracts that she had not signed. There are more contractors who worked directly for Bryant who did not have contracts. The problems lie squarely on Castell Bryant's shoulders.
ReplyDeleteTHANK YOU anon 2:14. FAM employees have been slapped in the face over and over by Lyin Larry. It has been an insulting era with him hiring consultants that are doing the work that FAM employees can do. Some of these consultants don't know what the hell they are doing!!---asking FAM employees how to do something everyday or figuring out a way to use money in the budget to be trained. In the words of the good witch of the North, 'Be gone Larry, before someone drops a house on you!'
ReplyDelete2:14 p.m. and others-
ReplyDeleteTHANKS for sharing this information! All Rattlers let's be diligent in continuing to expose all the criminals at FAMU, this includes long-time Rattlers who abuse their nepotic status to maintain their positions while performing absoloutely NO work within the 8 hours in which they are being paid. All of this leads to inadequate services, programs, and funds for our students. We are suppose to be providing these students a quality education and educational experience. Unfortunately, the few employees that have been working beyond to call of duty are relatively unknown and certainly unappreciated.
da Rattler - I propose launching a campaign to expose some of these hardworking, intelligent, FAMU loving employees so that we get the right people in place to truly move FAMU forward. Anything you need in this regard I ready, willing, and able to assist.
Where did Larry come from? I hear he was hired from some conference that Castell went to. She didn't know anything about the guy. Where ever he came from, it must not have been at an HBCU. He shows no love for FAM employees. Word has it that the consultants are his buddies. He hangs out with them outside of business so naturally, he would tell the BOT to just pay them. I can't totally put the blame on Cassie on this one, its on management. Any idiot would know to have signed contracts from the president. No signature would mean no work and when things would fall apart in EIT and Castell want to know why, then she'll know it was the contracts. Poor management skills from Larry, tsk.
ReplyDeleteRN can you look into the no-contract for work Castell gave to Leslie Steele? Kent Taylor with his blind self could see that hen was robbing FAMU blind (LOL).
ReplyDeleteHow in da hell did Steel rack up $48,000 in consulting fees for a redo of 300 Days into the Light?
Everybody, RN done broke the news. Contractors are going wild on the hill. Castell done opened the flood gates and its open season on FAMU's bank.
It seems that FAMU has a perpetual case of the foxes watching the hen house.
ReplyDeleteWhy are we not asking ourselves why a FAMU TRUSTEE was almost always involved in a FAMU MONEY/ETHICS scandal?...
Payroll audit led to firing
FAMU's interim president, Castell Bryant, said a payroll audit showed Cunningham listed as a faculty member, but no one ever saw him teach. Since booting Cunningham and putting Luney on leave, she has declined to comment further. Education experts say such donor deals are frowned on.
But Luney and Cunningham maintain that Humphries' successor, Fred Gainous, and FAMU trustee William Jennings agreed during a 2003 meeting that a teaching post wasn't a good fit, and that a $100,000 salary for advisory fund-raising would work best.
"We all left in one accord on where we were heading," Cunningham said of the meeting at Orlando International Airport, where Jennings is executive director of the Greater Orlando Aviation Authority. "I certainly did not insist to get paid. They decided that they would pay me for those services."
Gainous and Jennings have denied agreeing to such a deal.
Cunningham said he can't explain FAMU's current troubles, which include questions about how the historically black university has spent millions in tax and research dollars in recent years. He just wishes Bryant had talked to him before moving against him and the law school, especially since his occupying the endowed chair he created had been reported in the newspaper.
"There was nothing secretive or scandalous about this," he said.
What makes this even sadder is that theirs people that have been working in EIT for years on OPS. This idiot should have been working to get these folks permanent. He should have been working to get them the training and professional development so that they could take EIT to the next level. Unbelievable! This really disgusts me. It looks like all he did was hook up his friends.
ReplyDeleteFAMU's head basketball coach arrested May 25 , 2007, Updated 4:25 PM
ReplyDeleteThe Capital Outlook has learned that Florida A&M Head Basketball Coach Mike Gillespie Sr., has been arrested in Tallahassee this afternoon. According to media reports he has been charged with misdemeanor stalking.
People, it's called "outsourcing" and it's the Republi-Klans who invented it and turned it into their religion. Besides FAMU, there's the demise of the Board of Regents, the sick joke called FCAT, PeopleFirst...which is probably a misspelling of it's real name PeopleWorst. The list is long.
ReplyDeleteIt will take a long while for honest people to straighten things out, but one place we can all go to help end the misery is the voting booth!
What REALLY shocked most of the Trustees is that they weren't getting the $ame $pecial deal$ a$ the con$ultant$.
ReplyDeleteI don't know why the trustees are "shocked." Those who were there (from the beginning of Castell's term) and those who came aboard during her shennanigans, sat there and let this mess fester. They are the guardians; so why is there so-called "shock"? If not them to safeguard the university's money, then who? Shocked??? Yeah, right.
ReplyDeleteTalk about "shocking." I've got your shock. What's shocking is hearing the trustees say that they are shocked.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said...
ReplyDelete"Ammoms, your next!!!" -Liz Mcbride
5/25/2007 3:55 AM
What does this mean? I'm sure Lizzie will not be on the payroll when Dr. Ammons comes
I sincerely hope I'm wrong about this...but I think that Castell Bryant was purposefully sent here to destroy FAMU. There is no way you can go from College of the Year, to an institution barely hanging on for survival ten years later.
ReplyDeleteA college is almost like a corporation with several major entities within itself, so why aren't there any distinguished members of the BOT from Corporate America or the business world in general?
No oversight, no planning, all the pointing of fingers...it's sad that I will no longer have a reason to recruit or recommend FAMU as an institution of higher learning at my old highschool.
Jennings needs to go next! He is a crook and an incompetent!
ReplyDeleteI sincerely hope I'm wrong about this...but I think that Castell Bryant was purposefully sent here to destroy FAMU.
ReplyDeleteYou are absolutely correct. By way of James Corbin under the direction of Jeb Bush. It only took one call to the Cuban education community in South Florida in order to find out who was the most incompetent AA educational administrator they'd ever encountered, and her name appeared at the top of the list.
Lying Larry is the perfect name for that clown. By the way, who are you calling stupid? Is it the FAMU IT staff? The people who you belittled and told they had no skill set! If you believed they had no skills, why didn't you send them to training? You didn't spend one dime on FAMU employees!! No one was sent to any training of any sorts, yet u call them stupid every chance you get, and try to use their so called lack of skill as a scape goat. It would not have cost 1/10 of what you wasted hiring consultants to adequately train the entire FAMU staff. Besides what expertise have the consultants shown besides stealing ideas originating from FAMU employees and presenting them as thoughts of their own. The only temp to perm that I know of at FAMU is OPS. If they aspired to be hired as full time FAMU employees why would you pay them $150 to $175 p/h. No one on the FAMU staff makes anywhere near that amount. Is it because they are black; is that the reason that you feel that they have no skills. Who in the hell would work for someone that would call them stupid!! I have met the guy a few times, and that is a white guy if I ever seen one. Some one should check him to make sure he isn't a white guy impersonating a black man!!!
ReplyDeleteHow are trustees suppose to know about this underhanded mess that was going on with Larry? They won't know unless someone gives the info to them. From what I heard, they didn't find out this until the LAST minute. That's what happened with Thompson's crap and now Larry's mess. And why is there always some crooked clique going on at a department at FAM? And why do they think they might get away with it? And why was Larry still going to work after the board meeting on Thursday? He ain't shame? Reading about Lying Larry makes me sick to my stomach. Good riddance! He will be gone in a matter of time. Robinson can't fire him, but we know Ammons will. Peace Out Oreo!
ReplyDelete"5/26/2007 10:25 PM Peace Out Oreo!"
ReplyDeletedamn anon 10:25 >>>> you went the white filling double chocolate cookie route
All of Cast-hell's original BOT members need to go--starting with her former buddies RB and Duncan--because if they had been doing their jobs in the first place, FAMU wouldn't be in this mess. All they had to do was ask simple questions.
ReplyDeleteI guess when Corbin and Bush were setting up FAMU for destruction, in addition to an incompetent president, they also delivered an incompetent board. I can't believe they have the nerve to act shocked.
All of this has been right in front of their eyes, but they are also truly evil or have absolutely no common sense.
Clean the BOT house completely!
This has been, at varying times, an informative, invective, and unabashedly ignorant discussion. To question the role of the "consultants" and their pay is fair. To question why this didn't come to light before Thursday is also fair. But to call into question Larry Henderson's "blackness" is probably the most damning part of this thread-- and it in no way impugnes Henderson.
ReplyDeleteHow predictable is that? Henderson calls into question the intelligence of FAMU's employees, and they, in turn, say he "acts white". Good one. God forbid a black man speak articulately, use big words and willingly interact with outisde groups to help put FAMU on the level that all recognize it could be.
But because he looks elsewhere for the help he deems necessary, he's an "oreo".
The good news for you is that, like Gainous before him, FAMU's unpleasant underbelly has once again swallowed up a good man, meaning your allegedly beloved FAM will continue to wallow in the wasteland of malaise and mismanagement. Congratulations.
And for the record, Henderson came to FAMU because Debra Austin literally grabbed him by the arm when she heard the Dean of Kentucky State Uniuversity talk about how they had none of the technilogical problems that all the other HBCU's were complaining about at a conference.
Henderson is the real deal and anyone who truly loves and wants the best for Rattler Nation will see through the old guard's manipulation of the facts and allow the man to do what he does. His track record speaks for itself.
My fear is that people like the majority of posters on this board will never allow that to happen.
ReplyDeleteI couldnt tell by reading the transcript of the board meeting!
to anon 5/28/2007 12:35 PM
ReplyDeleteBULLSHIT!!! What has been said about Henderson on this blog is right on!! I don't know what he did at Kentucky, State University, but it's not happening here. Dr. Austin should have investigated more. Good riddence to him.
...and another thing. Mgmt 101, when he saw that those contracts were not fully executed due to the lack of all official and nessary signatures, TERMINATE ALL WORK!!!. Instead he "did everything he could to get those contracts signed and those people paid". These are business people; no contract, no work. When, or if things fell apart, he would have had documentation to support his position of trying to keep the "skill sets" in place to successfully accomplish the technical needs of the university. The blame for it's failure (if the staff could not get it done AFTER adequate training) would have to rest with the loss of the "consultants". We could then get contracts in place that were not so open-ended and defined the role of the consultant, which should not be personal, this is a conflict. The university did not benefit from these consultants being Larry's "buddies". A transfer of knowledge takes place. THEN, the FAMU IT staff can be held fully accountable for where we are.
ReplyDeleteAll I got to say is 4.3M. With that said, Henderson can be called every name in the book.
ReplyDeletei heard from a very reliable source that Ammons is bringing back a boatload of folks from the old vanguard. folks who've retired, folks who've moved to other places and have come back to tallahassee. i fear that ammons may be trying to
ReplyDeleterecreate---and will, to some extent--the university in the image it was during its so-called heydey, when he and Fred H. were at the helm. how progressive is that?
to anon 5/28/2007 12:35 PM
ReplyDelete...one more thing. Do other HBCUs have technical problems that involve $4.3M in dept to "consultants" and still no fully implemented Enterprise System? Do they have these type of problems!!?!?! Now, I guess FAMU doesn't have the same technical problems that other HBCUs complain about!!!!!!
...that should be debt, not dept.
ReplyDeleteIf these retired people are competent, and can move us forward, bring them on. Look what fresh and new got us!!!!
ReplyDeleteCompetent being the definitive word; please, no one who will not move us forward. We have to move past these setbacks and move forward in how we do business. That’s not optional.
ReplyDeleteNot that I am defending Larry but in the meeting, he did say that this was going on since fall of 2005. So let's not forget that previous administration was just as crappy. Larry was no improvement but at least EIT employees got job descriptions. Yall may not have got a raise since all the consultants soaked up that money, but at least you knew what to call yourself.
ReplyDeletenothing wrong with fresh and new...but seriously I think the old guard will comeback and work to give back to our great institution.
ReplyDelete5/29 9:27 AM too funny!
7:32--CVB isn't fresh and she sure isn't "new." She's haggard and old. Same goes for the entire Kitchen Cabinet.
ReplyDeletecastell bryant is a horrible urchin.
ReplyDeleteWhere is that Barrington lady who was over the EIT before Henderson came. Surely he did not do all of this by himself. Didn't he fire her or something? I remeber her being the boss over there at some point.
ReplyDeleteAli is too classy for FAMU mess anyway. If we had any sense, we'd let the lady do her job, but she was working for a fool who left them all out to dry.
ReplyDelete"fool" is right. castell wasn't just a fool, she was a plumb fool.
ReplyDeleteWhere is that Barrington (Brenda or Beverly -- I know it starts with a B)lady who was over the EIT before Henderson came. Surely he did not do all of this by himself. Didn't he fire her or something? I remember her being the boss over there at some point.
ReplyDeleteDon't know who you are talking about (Barrington).
ReplyDeleteWhat did she do over there?
Barrington was the director at the onset of the erp project. She seems to kind of faded away. Haven't seen or heard from herjavascript:void(0)
ReplyDeletePublish Your Comment since the Gainous era. Really, is she still here? According to Henderson, in his sad attempt to defend his actions, this practice started on her watch.
Good luck Robert. Let's hope you've learned a thing or two about not to do.
ReplyDeleteBarrington is still here. She works in Academic Affairs with Kirk Gavin doing data collection-- I think.
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness!!! Please, tell me that this is not the office responsible for collecting the data for the SACS review!?! I just read from a post to the "...Who's knocking, SACS" story on this blog saying that our data for this review is jacked up.