BOG to interview FAMU trustee applicants today

da rattler
The Board of Governors meets today in Orlando to fill the three vacant spots on the FAMU board of trustees. There are five finalists, a few of them corporate heavyweights. The five applicants are:

+ Robert Brown, founder of a PR firm in North Carolina and former member of the North Carolina university system's governing board.
+ FAMU grad Belinda Shannon, a GlaxoSmithKline attorney in North Carolina.
+ Karl White, a FAMU pharmacy grad who is now CEO of an investment company in Massachusetts.
+ Thomas Jones Jr., a FAMU grad working as a Texas accountant.
+ FAMU business grad Richard Dent III, now CFO for retailer LimitedBrands.

The final three will be selected just in time for the FAMU trustees meeting Wednesday in Tallahassee, where new FAMU president James Ammons will unveil his plan for fixing the university's accreditation woes.

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  1. Too bad Robert Ruggles was eliminated from consideration for the Board of Trustees.

    He is just the kind of person needed on the board.

    He knows a lot about how FAMU runs, what its problems are, he's been a long time supporter, he is very good with finances, and he is not kin to anybody in the administration.

  2. You've got to be kidding. Robert Ruggles is an old hag with and ax to grind.

  3. Damn I'm pissed that Dent missed the interview.

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