New hoops coach to be introduced Tuesday

da rattler
1 minute read
Florida A&M will announce Georgia State assistant Eugene Harris as its next men's basketball coach at a Tuesday news conference in Tallahassee, multiple sources told on Monday.

Harris replaces Mike Gillespie, who last week pleaded no contest to a charge of stalking a former girlfriend. Gillespie, who is married, was sentenced to a year's probation.

Gillespie had a respectable record at FAMU, leading the Rattlers to two NCAA Tournament appearances in six seasons, including last March where they lost to Niagara in the opening round game in Dayton.

Continue reading after the jump: Press conference 1 pm

See: Harris to be new hoops coach

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  1. Press conference rescheduled until Thursday.

  2. I'm still sorry that Gillespie had to go, and I do know that he had to go. No doubt about it. I just hope that the players will do as well under the new coach as they did under Gillespie. Grade-wise, academic-wise, and playing-wise. That's all.

  3. Gillespie definitely had to go! What mom would turn there kid over to be mentored by a stalker?

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