Carter said he did not resign and that the university owes him $250,000 from his contract.
Carter's assistant coaches have also been notified they will not be retained. Each coach was given a letter from the university saying they will be paid until February.
Earlier this morning athletic director Nelson Townsend resigned, as Allen Bogan was introduced as interim athletic director.
FAMU President James Ammons has scheduled a news conference for 2:30 p.m.
Man... Somehow this just doesn't sit well with me. I know this season was bad but...
ReplyDeletePlease President Ammons, don't let this be the beginning of something really detrimental- I really had hope in this administration. I just want to believe that there was more to the story than meets the eye.
Now faculty everywhere must fear for their jobs.
I officially start school as a transfer student next year and I want to keep a positive outlook- just don't mess with SBI is all I'm saying.
I meant to say that I'm starting next SEMESTER.
ReplyDeleteJesus no!
And I'm the one trying to shush the naysayers? Man.
Something really detrimental occurred when Corbin and Company forced the ill-fated D-1 move on FAMU, destroyed a winning football program and, for all intent and purposes, proceeded to destroy FAMU. Thank you Pres. Ammons for beginning to address the wrongs that were perpetuated on our beloved FAMU. Now maybe we can turn it all around!
ReplyDeleteSBI will be fine and have faith for the time being the entire Univesity is under a microscope due to the negative press and outsiders. Therfore we welcome you with open arms to the FAMU FAMILY but remember in all honesty only the STRONG MAKE IT AT FAMU!
ReplyDelete"the entire Univesity is under a microscope due to the negative press and outsiders."
ReplyDeleteThe entire university is under a microscope because of the institutional corruption!
Now is a good time to begin blocking the FAMU-hating spammers, NuRattler. We shouldn't have to read comments like the above on every story.
ReplyDeleteAnd strong I am!
ReplyDeleteDon't worry- I'll make FAMU proud. It's time to show the world why we are the BEST and ONLY school in the world for all individuals seeking higher education.
...we just have a few rough patches that's all.
1:29--Only the strong survive at FAMU!--you got that right, my friend. Lord, have mercy, you have to have the strength of Samson and Hercules and all of the strongest women that have ever walked the earth.
ReplyDeleteDo you think Coach Carter might get hired at an HHCU? For those of you that don't know that is a Historically Honky College and University.
ReplyDeleteThere are few openings. One being at the Historically Honky University of Michigan.
ReplyDeleteCoach Carter was a crude arrogant, ignorant man. He was extremely negative to all the players and dissed Billy Joe and all his recruits. He never fully understood HBCU football, nor is he a good coach. Good riddance, he was shoved on us by Cast-hell and her crew and he needs to move on. I applaud Ammons for being so prompt and cleaning house in a timely manner so that we can hire a competent coaching staff and recruit some players before spring training. Nurattler, welcome from one who was rattler born and rattler bred and will remain a rattler till I'm dead
ReplyDeleteBrace yourself, changes coming in SBI, as well. Sorry but they really are for the best!
ReplyDeleteIs a Historically Honky University dean moving in?
ReplyDeleteWe can't have any more Honkys at this school!!!! I just heard a rumor that we are being Honkyfied at FAMU.
ReplyDeleteWe already have enough asians and indians in our graduate schools!!!!
Say no to Honky students!!!!
Actually Coach Carter couldn't coach...Don't know about recruiting thought.
ReplyDelete4:18--how ignorant you sound! if these same comments were directed at african americans in predominantly white institutions, then we (or probably you) would be screaming bloody murder. Stay off the board. no one needs your ignorant, vitriolic comments. (finally, how in the world did we go from discussion carter and townsend to ranting and raving about what you're writing about in the first place?)
ReplyDeleteWere the AD and Carter responsible for changing grades? Is this why they were fired?
ReplyDeleteNuRattler, PLEASE clean up this blog by blocking these spammers who continue to bombard us with bloated, racially offensive comments and language.
ReplyDeleteAny one with a view different from 11/20/2007 11:54 PM is immediately a racist! Grow up and get over it. Nobody owes you anything. FAMU is not just for one ethnicity with one view point!
ReplyDeleteIt's time for a new coach and a new atmosphere on campus. I graduated from both FAMU High and FAMU. I have seen a lot of stuff come down and we are at a low point right now. Let's rise up Rattlers.
ReplyDeleteThis was posted on the Rattler Nation Article/Blog - Best of the Bands at the Classic...
ReplyDeleteI feel that the Alumni Association, Student Activities/SGA/Recoration, etc... need to plan this or who ever....
Anonymous said...
The Marching 100, cheerleaders, strikers, venom dancers, and any other spirit teams need to hold a hugh pep rally in Bragg stadium for free at 12 noon the saturday before the students leave to go home .. to lift the spirits of the students, administration, staff, faculty, supporters, community leaders, Tallahassee, and anyone who'd come.... 12 noon saturday before everyone depart for the Christmas / New Year Break... and when everyone report back to school have another one to ring in the new year... THE MORAL AT THE SCHOOL IS TTTTOOOOO LOW......
Not a money maker a pep rally
Then all in attendance need to hold hands around the entire campus from adams street to famu way to behind the stadium around to orange avenue.... and PRAY for our university and ask that the "dark cloud" over the horizon be lifted....
Make it Happen!!!!!!!!!!!!
11/19/2007 12:07 PM
Anonymous said...
11/19/2007 4:09 PM
Dr. Ammons is doing a wonderful job thus far... Remember everyone it is the Athletic "Football" and "Basketball" Programs that bring in BIG dollars to support the Universities... IF IT IS RAN RIGHT, PROPERLY MANAGED, PEOPLE ARE IN PLACE FOR THE RIGHT PURPOSE.... look at the other institutions PLEASE LET THE MAN WORK -
"Show me your ways, O Lord,
teach me your paths;
guide me in your truth
and teach me,
for you are God my Savior,
and my hope is in you all day long.
PSALM 25:4-5
and lean not to your own understanding.
All the investigation means is that CVB and the crew are not finished being dealt with yet!
ReplyDeleteIs a Historically Honky University dean moving in?
ReplyDelete11/20/2007 4:04 PM
Dean of what? The COL?
If I was Coach Carter I would have told them show me the money. The Feds are in town and the last place I would want to be is on campus. Someone is about to pay!
ReplyDeleteIt's a shame how some of you get so offensive when folks speak ill of your white peoples. *smh*
ReplyDeleteAre you saying 20 years from now you'll be ok with having more white students than Black students at FAMU or any other HBCU?
Placing a white body is a chair means a Black student has been denied admissions...to a historically Black college or university. Have we forgetten the reason we have HBCUs in the first place?
Good Grief....
I'm glad Dr. Ammons had cleaned house.
ReplyDeleteWhat's going on in SBI. This is a job for DaRattler because Nu Rattler will wait until every news source in town gets it first.
DaRattler would have spilled the beans by now if there was some to be spilled.
"Placing a white body is a chair means a Black student has been denied admissions...to a historically Black college or university. Have we forgetten the reason we have HBCUs in the first place?
ReplyDeleteGood Grief...."
That sounds like redneck talk in Mississippi and Alabama. This is why HBCU are losing respect on a daily basis. The institutions still live in the pre 1960s.
Bogan was on part of the problem with Billy Joe. Are athletic dept. got cold busted and now Ammons is hiring part of that infamous crew for round 2?
ReplyDeleteWhat is Ammons doing!
I tell what he is doing......he is getting paid along with all his cronies. Ammons is just turning the ship back to the freakin' 90's. Bring in some new kids from the hood!
ReplyDeleteCoach Bogan is INTERIM AD you idiots. Do you know what that means? He's AD in name only until Dr. Ammons hires a permanent AD, which will be real soon.
ReplyDeleteDr. Ammons is doing a great job.
If the MEAC Champions Delaware State just got clobbered in the first round of the playoffs by Delaware, and FAMU finished second to last in the M-E-A-C, then Rubin Carter should have been fired, along with his entire coaching staff, Nelson Townsend and his entire staff, and we should hire Billy Joe tonight.
ReplyDeleteAt least we will dominate the league again and be representative in the playoffs.
The MEAC has got to be the weakest conference in all of D-1 football and we finished second to last. How can anybody rank a MEAC team highly next season with this kind of showing in the playoffs. It's a joke!
Thanks Dr. Ammons for making a change. Hire Billy Joe tonight and let's return our program to prominence! I don't care if Coach Joe coaches from the roof! We will not be embarrassed like this!
To the future Rattler: The days of yesteryears with SBi are long gone and will not return! There has been no one since the legendary Dean Sybil Mobley who can maintain the standards of SBI. Especially when you have a new so-called Dean who wears her skirts too short and too tight, drinks too much wine at social functions, and threatens the staff with her "Chicago Project" mentality! In addition, both she and her new Assistant Dean of Administration (Dr. Alex Moore (or less) on any given day are not in the office until after 10 or 12 on most days! How can you have an effective, productive school of business when business is not being taken care of and the students suffer? Yes, I do believe that SBI needs a good cleaning out! After all it all begins at the top and rolls down hill! I say to Dr. Ammons to "come on down" and do what the entire University needs him to do, and that is make everyone accountable for their paycheck, while putting the "good ole day" behind us, and move this great institution forward with the godspeed!
ReplyDeleteI would hope that with everything going on at the top of SBI, the morale of the students has not been greatly affected. As far as I'm concerned, none of those events will stop me from maintaining a high G.P.A., or getting the most out of my resources. There is just too much time, money, and life experience invested in my future.
If the students are as great as we say that they are, they shouldn't be affected either. I firmly believe that it can be detrimental to any institution (be it a school, church or major corporation) when we try to find new administration that reminds us of past leaders. While we all may love Dr. Mobley, or Humphries, or Alonzo "JAKE" Gaither himself, we must rely on someone who will capilalize on previous achievements; someone who will bring new ideas to the table; someone who is open to suggestion without compromising personal integrity. Creativity is key because there can be no room for copycats.
While I am young, I know that it is possible to do those things while still maintaining respect for the past. Regimes will fall, good or not so good; people will eventually be replaced.
If Dr. Ammons is as swift as he appears to be when it comes to getting the root of problems, one would only hope that the infrastructure of the program maintains the machine-like process that they are known for, so that when things change, the department does not self-destruct.
I don't know if I can say the same for the athletic department. Fortunately, I only like to attend the games because of the fellowship- I don't know &*%! when it comes to Rattler Sports. Nonetheless, everything has the potential to come full circle because FAMU is one school. Let's make sure that doesn't happen.
Sorry if I turned this into an SBI forum- I it hate when people change the subject!