Lauderdale paper has different view of Carter firing

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FAMU President James H. Ammons says it was time for a change in the football program. He believes someone else will be better suited to lead the Rattlers back to prominence. That’s why Ammons wasted little time cleaning house after FAMU’s 34-7 season-ending loss to Bethune-Cookman on Nov. 17 at the Florida Classic in Orlando.

Two days after the game, FAMU’s Athletic Director, Nelson Townsend, and Head Football Coach, Rubin Carter, were out of work. Townsend resigned effective Nov. 20; while Carter and his entire staff were given a “notice of non-reappointment and employment separation.” (Legal way of saying . . . You’re Fired.)

continue reading: Becareful what you wish for

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  1. We expect this kind of view from the Lauderdale/Miami end of the State. One of Carter's greatest errors was excepting a position from an interim administration. Castell was an interim and possibly did not have the authority to sign a five-year contract with Carter. Hindsight is all so painful, however, if Carter's was an outstanding coach, he would have made a more sound decision to go to another institution, rather than taking the risk of coming to FAMU under an interim as it played out incompetent administrations. Carter and his assistants should count their blessings and move on. We all know that there is a better future for him somewhere else besides FAMU. Believe me, there is life after FAMU, just ask Dr. Larry Rivers, President at Ft. Valley State Universsity. He was at FAMU for nearly 30 years before he left.

  2. Yeah, back door politics landed in him (Carter) in a snake pit. He should have known that there was another side to the coin, when the back door conversations and deals were made. As with the inept VPs Castell tried to sign onto multiple year contracts they too have exited the university.

    Carter, you are probably a good person that got caught in Castell's and Corbin's web of deceit. Please move on while your good name is intacted and your future is still bright. Many know that anything these two touches dies and withers away. They are poisonous.

    God Bless you and FAMU. Time to turn the page and begin a new chapter in your career. Coaches are fired every season and move on to greener pastures.

  3. Castell was an interim even though her attorney and buddy tried to get the BOT to give her a multiple year contract. Carter should have never come under those circumstances if he really wanted to make a difference at FAMU. The new Commander-in-Chief/CEO/President has the right to pick his team. Ultimately, President Ammons will be held responsible for their successes and failures.

  4. Reality check. Where will the money come from to pay Carter the remaing two years on his contract and hire new coaches, probably at a higher salary than Carter was paid? It looks like our athletic program is headed in a "new direction" that will not be much diferent from the "old direction" unless alumni come up with the necessary money.

  5. Reality check, the remaining coaches only required 60 days notice. That has been given several weeks ago. By February 1 they will all be off payroll making room for the new coaching staff that the newly hired coach will assemble. I am confident that all of the pieces will be in place (full staff hired) before mid-February.

    Secondly, President Ammons has terminated Rubin Carter. I am sure both parties' attorneys will meet an amicable agreement. This was thought out. I don't for one moment believe that President Ammons will not do the honorable thing and pay him in full. Who knows, he may even throw in a letter of endorsement as he seeks employment opportunities down the line. However, I would strongly advise in the words of the late Hansel "Tootie" Tookes, don't burn bridges that you may have to use as a return route to both parties.

    The new AD will provide the impetus to get alumni, friends and supporters on board in a big "WAY." However, this movement will start as soon as the new AD has been hired and given his/her marching orders.

    While you are questioning I believe there are many like me who have made a unrestricted donations recently to the university for just this type of aid.

    If anyone is reading this from the University can you ask the Foundation to please send an acknowledgment letter. Would be nice to submit to the tax accountant and get credit on this year's taxes.

    We cannot allow ourselves to be mired in mediocrity. With the right leadership and new vision for ATHLETICS, I have confidence that things ($$$) will begin to multiply exponentially.

  6. Carter does not appear inclined to "an amicable agreement," according to news reports. He appears ready to "burn his bridges" because of the way he was fired. With the turnover in the athletic department, a good recruiting year is in doubt. This means we can expect losing seasons for the next 2 or 3 years. Will our alumni support 2 or 3 more losing seasons?

  7. That is questionable. The ability to start out with a new coach and program may be the necessary ingredient to attract new talent. This year's team lacked the coaching skill and more importantly, motivation to move in a winning mode. If we get the RIGHT SKILLED MOTIVATOR as coach we will do at least 7-3.

  8. Probably, but Carter was too divisive, hard-headed, and the type of person that did not keep his word. Yeah, he has talked to a lot of potentials, but he never followed through. This is the scuttle-butt across the state. Carter visits the school, talks to certain football players, coaches send in tapes, weeks go by no communication, they make a call, no returned call, they resend the tape again followed up by a call, still no response from FAMU.

    I say good riddance, I know personally that this happened, because it happened to me.

    Carter needed to go. 3-8 is the beginning of where he would have taken "Rattler Football". Straight to the bottom.

    People, it's a good thang that this dude has vacated Bragg Stadium. He had no respect for the FAMU's tradition, and I personally felt sorry for a certain Coach, because he was constantly apologizing to alumni coaches about Carter's attitude, behavior and his disdain for tradition and his stank attitude.

    I say let's move on.

  9. And the church said, "AMEN!"

  10. One of the things I hate worst about this time of year is the inevitable coaching changes that occur at the end of the season.

    So far, Western Carolina has fired Kent Briggs, Rhode Island has relieved Tim Stowers of his duties, Alcorn State has let go Dr. Johnny Thomas and Florida A&M removed not only coach Rubin Carter, but also accepted the resignation of athletic director Nelson Townsend. FAMU announced that Samuel Bogan would replace Townsend on an interim basis.

    Earlier in the season Texas Southern had fired Steve Wilson and replaced him temporarily with DeChon Burns, and Indiana State had axed Lou West and brought in former coach Dennis Raetz.

    While lack of on-field success was at the center of all of these decisions, I can't help but feel sad to see these coaches go.

  11. 1:50, don't you worry your pretty little head about here the $$ is going to come from. The only thing tht matters is that it will come. From where it comes is moot. Apparently Dr. Ammons has all of the kinks worked out in terms of the source of the man's $$. I don't thin Ammons would make such a move without having done the critical thinking beforehand.
    as for me, hell, I don't care where it comes from as long as the man is gone away from here.

  12. Thank you, 12/01/2007 @ 12:59pm and 6:56 PM.

    It was only because of his Corbin (Philly) connection that he was chosen for that job in the first place. He wasn't even the most qualified candidate when he was hired.

    If he was all that, why don't we see his name plastered across the sports headlines where school are running to snap him up?

    And, no Corbin- you STILL can't have the construction bond underwriting contracts. All these years of wasted energy trying could of been used for something positive and productive for FAMU.

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