Willis named new VP of University Relations

Carla Willis, principal gifts officer at the University of Toledo College of Law, has been hired to serve as the new vice president for University Relations at FAMU and executive director of the FAMU Foundation, Inc.

Willis has had more than 17 years of experience in the advancement field. She will start work on February 18, 2007.

"“I’m excited about Mrs. Willis joining the leadership team,”" said FAMU President James H. Ammons. “She is talented, personable and highly skilled in the area of fund raising. I am confident that she can help the university to reach its goals and build a strong fund raising division.”"

At the University of Toledo, she was responsible for developing and sustaining a comprehensive development program for University-wide development initiatives in the mid-Atlantic Region and focused nationally on initiatives for the College of Law. In her consulting role, Willis managed large institutional client projects in the areas of feasibility studies, development audits, pre-campaign planning and preparation, staff coaching, strategy development, and solicitation of donors.

She has also served as a director of development at Ohio Northern University, a regional director for the east coast for the University of Michigan Law School, and headed up her own development consulting firm, Willis Development and Communications Associates.

"I look forward to helping shape its future through the philanthropy of alumni, board members, students, corporate supporters and friend," Willis said.

Willis is a Certified Fund Raising Executive (CFRE,) and earned a bachelor’s degree in interdisciplinary studies from the University of Toledo. She is an active member of the Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE) and currently serves as a board member and chair of the Committee on Equity for CASE District V.

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  1. Yet another political "hook-up" at FAMU. Thank you FAMU for bringing us, yet again, an unqualified, lackluster friendship hire. Thank you for bringing us someone who has never managed more than a staff of three to be Vice President off an entire division. You would think we would at least get an assistant or associate vice president from somewhere, but I guess that would be the correct thing to do. Thank you so much for proving at FAMU it is definitely NOT what you know, but WHO you know.

    Stay tuned for us still raising hardly an substantial dollars for the university!!!!!

  2. History shows that FAMU, under Humphries, was very proficient with fundraising. There's no reason to expect any different with Ammons in the big chair.

  3. 9:32, get a life! Obviously you know nothing about credentials. You are exactly the problem with FAMU! Always bringing in speculations. You and people like you come on this board and never praise the tremendous rebounds that our university has made in the last 6-7 months. You scrutinize EVERY hire as IF you could do better. Again, WHEN this hire works, you won't come back on this board and retract your statements. Your judgmental impetuosity plays into the hands of anti-FAMU spammers that come on this board looking for a reason to discredit the gains of the university. GO SOMEWHERE ELSE if you are not happy.

  4. Anybody is better than Ron Joe who has held the job for the past two years.

    From all indications Ms. Willis is a good hire, how this is a political "hook-up" as has been asserted by the idiot poster at 9:32 am is beyond me. Perhaps the poster at 9:32 a.m. is Ron Joe or the other finalist who didn't get the job!

  5. Anybody is better than Ron Joe who has held the job for the past two years.

    From all indications Ms. Willis is a good hire, how this is a political "hook-up" as has been asserted by the idiot poster at 9:32 am is beyond me. Perhaps the poster at 9:32 a.m. is Ron Joe or the other finalist who didn't get the job!

  6. Joe was an interim and was not a contender for the permanent job.

  7. Actually, she's not a good hire based on the fact that she hasn't had a position even close to the one she's gotten by this university. Remember she is also Executive Director of the Foundation. Something she has absolutely no knowledge of or past work history or experience. This is the equivalent of hiring a strength and training coach as an athletic director. But everyone hasn't seen all the other candidates like I have, and trust me, just like the hire at the FAMU DRS this candidate was not the best for the job thus the reason the others haven't been mentioned or their resumes posted. Only at FAMU could she get this position. 17 years at other places and no one put her into an executive management position??????

    This reminds me of when CVB came on and everyone gave so many praises to all her hires. Remember how they domonized everyone that spoke ill of people like Debra Ausin. Im so glad RN archives all this stuff. This is like Deja Vu.....LMAO!!!!!!

  8. who is Ron Joe?

  9. I don't know RN seems fishy she was never even an AVP anywhere. And unless im reading this wrong, she only has a bachelors???

  10. In this situation, it seems her credentials should supersede an advanced degree. You don't need a Ph.D. to be a good fundraiser. That comes with an innate skill set and experience. Hookup or not, she seems well-qualified to increase the funds in the foundation.

  11. The folks bashing this lady sounds like folks with sour grapes, or perhaps folks that didn't get the job.

    Key indicators are: "i've seen resumes of all 17 applicants for the job."

    Is FAMU HR out here posting? Hmmmm

  12. Time will tell about the new hire and Col. Ron Joe was an asset to the University and as someone who donated thousands of dollars to the University it was due in part to the accessibility of Col. Joe, a FAMU Alum and a man who served his country and his University with honor and distinction! Thanks Col. for an outstanding job! And for the record the bulk of the monies I spoke of were donated when everyone claimed that the sky was falling and the last days of FAMU were on the horizon. Col. Joe was the one constant rock in Lee Hall through it all and he was a professional!

  13. Where do you get a Ph.D. in fund-raising and relationship building? This is not an academic position. At best, it is a relational position that will enhance the university's ability to raise awareness and monies for programming. If you read carefully, her experience reaches beyond universities but also into corporations with a concentration on raising monies for LAW SCHOOLS! There is a strategy, people and building your law school is of the utmost importance. This is a hire that will bring on new relationships to support the bottom line of FAMU, with its law school being a primary focus. Only at FAMU would you all miss that...geesh!

  14. The folks bashing this lady sounds like folks with sour grapes, or perhaps folks that didn't get the job.

    Key indicators are: "i've seen resumes of all 17 applicants for the job."

    Is FAMU HR out here posting? Hmmmm

    Right notion, wrong place. The only person(s) that have knowledge of the resumes for this position and the DRS position are in the Presidents office or "in the circle"

    Looks to me like somebody in the cabal is living on this site

  15. 11:04 am (and obviously her friend)

    "....In this situation, it seems her credentials should supersede an advanced degree. You don't need a Ph.D. to be a good fundraiser."

    And I guess you don't have to have any knowledge of finance, accounting and investments to be an Executive Director of a Foundation either huh? Or any upper lever management experience to run an ENTIRE division.

    I guess only at FAMU....ya'll are crazy!!!!!! Why didn't you come to defend the BOT's brother's hire then???? He at least was an assistant principle before he was made the head at DRS.

  16. At least Ammons didn't hire someone from inside. Other than that, please give the lady a chance. We'll see sooner than later if she is a good fit for the job. Some people just like to come here, see what the topic is, and start bashing, no matter what. They are probably people who find no happiness or contentment in anything they do or have anything good to say about anyone. Ever.

  17. I see the schools spin people are on top of this one! based on all the people trying to defend this obvious hookup, why not let the TA's be instant Deans, the student accounts tellers be our investment advisors and our Librarians head up our research division ! yall just got someone no one else wanted...HA!

    Maybe she'll get lucky though. SHE'LL NEED IT!

    Only at Famu. I swear you couldn't make this stuff up! A VP with no higher ed credentials VP of a higher ed institution!!!

  18. I'm just wondering why there was no mention of the dollars associated with her development efforts elsewhere.

    At lot of times the resumes will read, "during tenure, endowment increased from $XX to $XXX.

    I have no problem hiring people into a stretch job, but I then expect them to stretch.

    Another point to consider, credentials are credentials, but baby, every credentialed person is not capable. I know half a dozen Ph.D.s that are living off the degree, not what they produce.

  19. The comments here are very interesting. Can we just wait to see the strategy for this hire? Why do we think that Ammons will all of a sudden become INCOMPETENT with his judgment? Seems like it has gotten us on the right track. Just do your part to make the school better or leave.

  20. It is interesting to me that no one is talking about who did not get the job. Dr. Tom Haynes was a finalist for this position and a shoe-in so I thought. He is a FAMUan and held many jobs at FAMU in University Relations under Mr. Leo Sam and Dr. Humphries. He was over career placement, worked with FAMU Cluster, etc. After getting his degree he went to Montclair State University and was either VP Of Development/University Relations. He was also a member of CASE. I am dumbfounded he did not get the job. RN stop being such an insider and give us the scoop like the old days. Why didn't Thomas Haynes get the job????

  21. Well the posters (I mean poster) here that is hell bent on defending this hire and not that of the DRS head, please explain this:

    How is it to make $175,000 at FAMU, all you need is a bachelor's in "interdisciplinary studies" (which is the equivalent to LIBERAL ARTS in case you didn't know), No upper level management experience or promotions in your entire career and ABSOLUTELY NO KNOWLEDGE of how to run a foundation.

    It's actually harder to make a third of that salary and be a coordinator on campus (let alone an ASSISTANT VP).......This makes me laugh!!!!!

    Associate Vice President
    Posted: Jan 10, 2008

    Position Type: Administrative and Professional
    Position Number: 22436
    Contract Period: 12 Month
    Location: Division of Research
    FTE: 1.00
    Salary Range: Negotiable**
    Deadline: Thursday, January 17, 2008

    MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS:  MASTER'S DEGREE in an appropriate area of specialization and seven years of appropriate experience; or a bachelor''s degree in an appropriate area of specialization and nine years of appropriate experience. PREFER: Preference will be given to applicants with a PhD with extensive professional and administrative experience in managing a major research program in academia, government, or industry; Demonstrated record in achieving substantial growth in research; Vision and ability to advance the research agenda of the university, including interdisciplinary and cross-college initiatives; demonstrated effectiveness in planning, administration, and personnel and fiscal management; and strong interpersonal and organizational skills.


    Coordinator, Computer Applications
    Posted:Nov 8, 2007

    Position Type: Administrative and Professional
    Position Number: 22789
    Contract Period: 12 Month
    Location: University Assessment
    Pay Grade: 3
    Salary Range: $32,120.25 - OPEN**
    Deadline: Open until filled.

    Minimum Qualification: MASTER'S DEGREE in Computer Science or Management Information System; or a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science or Management Information System and two years of appropriate experience. 

  22. Fact is, half the stuff here is spoon fed to the RN. In turn, the let the team know where the posts are coming from.

    Willis is who he wanted, Willis is who he got and like the other selections whether y'all like it or not, it's Dr. A's call. Whether he is being pimped by Rev Holmes, Big Al or whomever, it's his decision. That's the way it is and there is absolutely nothing any of you can do about it

    Now if we can't raise any money in the next year, the DRS continues to make F's, the football team plays like crap and the AD doesn't bust a grape. Come back in here and turn this MF out. I personally think every decision made in the last month is suspect but I hope the hell I am wrong

    Otherwise, STFU and stop giving these folks stuff to post in the St. Pete Times. This blog is all over that rag.

  23. Don't you think its strange that on the FAMU website they don't even write anything about her education?

    Especially since they have written about everyone elses educational background since for as long as I can remember. Looks fishy to me!

  24. Spinning 101

  25. 10:01 am

    Obviously you don't know anything about credentials!!!! But then you probably don't have any. You see "credentials" are usually what is used as a determining factor when it comes to job duties, salaries, etc. At least that's what they use at mostly every successful company in America. And yes, as many people are far superior in their intellect to what is portrayed on paper, most don't jump up about two or three spots on the chain without proper "credentials." Just admit that at nowhere else could she make this kind of money, manage an entire university division, and be chief executive director of a foundation that she has no experience ever even working with. And "scrutinizing" the university is our right, especially those such as I, that have given money and support them. I give praise where praise is due. As Ammons has righted the ship alot I doubled my Annual Gift, but sorry if I see something foul i'll call it wether anyone likes it or not. Remember, you don't have to read this blog. But I guess Ammons could have put a janitor as VP and you would still say SUPPORT, SUPPORT!


    This must be Ammons girl, so we'll support regardless. But just don't try to justify it as her being qualified. That's just an insult to our intelligence. Hell, Humphries did it, Gainous, we all know Castell did it......now it's Ammons turn to look out for who he chooses.

  26. what is a Certified Fundraising person? does that mean that a person took a few online courses or something, passed them-- scantron-graded--and now is "certified" in the "fundraising field"? Please, somebody, explain this to me.

  27. anonymous at 1/15/2008 7:11 PM writes:

    what is a Certified Fundraising person? does that mean that a person took a few online courses or something, passed them-- scantron-graded--and now is "certified" in the "fundraising field"? Please, somebody, explain this to me.
    If you can spend your time hating on this board....surely your can Google "Certified Fundraiser". Let's move on!

  28. anonymous at 1/15/2008 5:51 PM writes

    It is interesting to me that no one is talking about who did not get the job. Dr. Tom Haynes was a finalist for this position and a shoe-in so I thought. He is a FAMUan and held many jobs at FAMU in University Relations under Mr. Leo Sam and Dr. Humphries. He was over career placement, worked with FAMU Cluster, etc. After getting his degree he went to Montclair State University and was either VP Of Development/University Relations. He was also a member of CASE. I am dumbfounded he did not get the job. RN stop being such an insider and give us the scoop like the old days. Why didn't Thomas Haynes get the job????
    When the finalists were announced, I did some research on the two candidates. I could not find any evidence where Dr. Haynes has done anything substantial since arriving at Montclair (I could be wrong, so please share if you can provide evidence to the contrary). In any event, I believe in the adage: if you do the same thing you get the same results. As a Rattler, I applaud Dr. Ammons for stepping outside "the box" and hiring a non-Rattler, (he has done for several of the Executive (VP) roles). She might get there and say "What the hell have you guys been doing" while he could have said, "Let's continue doing what we've always done like Leo Sam did it in 1989"...change is good. I'm going to wait and see. Personally, she looks like a go getter!!!! Dr. Ammons has a track record of hiring strong individuals.

  29. Another Kappa with sour grapes stuck in his mouth. Tom Haynes was horrible, a womanizer, lazy so and so.

  30. Does anyone care that she now controls the second largest HBCU endowment in the nation and doesn't know the first thing about finance, investments, accounting or fiscal affairs?

    I do, and that's why I am very scared that the University Relations wing will continue to suffer substandard results. I hope the Foundation board of directors will fly in to give her on the job training.

    Hmmm......there's been twenty or so comments for one hire.........I wonder why. There wasn't this much outrage about Holmes' brother and he actually was qualified for the position he got, but then again, this ain't Georgetown. They got Michael Dyson, we get an old computer saleswoman.....lol!!!!

    This is just like when President Bush hired his homeboy to head up FEMA.....we all know how that turned out.....lol!!!!! He didn't have any senior leadership experience before his hire either.

  31. "......Minimum Qualification: MASTER'S DEGREE in Computer Science or Management Information System; or a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science or Management Information System and two years of appropriate experience......"

    This is what a coordinator needs on campus just to make $32K a year?!?! They need a masters or at least a degree in the field that they have to perfom in (seems logical). I would think a VP would at the very least have a degree/certificate/something involving management or business. And if its true she's over the foundation too, you only need a bachelors degree that has nothing to do with dealing with money??????

    Does anyone have the position description for this VP position. I would love to see how much they had to dumb it down to get this one through.

  32. Its sad that many folks can't just say congrats, be prepared to hit the ground running and welcome to the hill. I don't know much about this new hire but I don't question Dr. Ammons hires. Either you're with FAMU all the way or not at all. Give her a chance and if she doesn't do the job then you complain. And lets be honest for a second do u really need a PHd. VP is just a fancy name and title in my honest opinion. Would some of ya'll be happier if her title was different.

  33. So the CEO of a major company that doesn't have an advanced degree is less capable of running a business because he/she lacks credentials. We focus too much on degrees and not on ones abilities. Some people hate to see an african american excel and promoted.

  34. I'm embarrassed to read some of the comments posted on this blog. I hope this lady doesn't read this blog because for some of ya'll to be making preconceived judgements before she even starts work is sad.

  35. 9:12,

    What is the school's endowment? It has not been updated from $119 million in a few years. Other schools are updating theirs yearly, but our school is not? Is the university spending part of the endowment during tough budget times?

    Anybody know the deal?

  36. It's the same thing after every hire. Somebody thought their boy/girl was a lock for the job. Ammons does something different and then all the wailing and moaning starts.

    Guess what? These hires are going to fall on the Bell curve. Most of them will be average-range performers, a few will exceed expectations and others will fall woefully short.

    The great thing is that we all get to change paths in life. If this person doesn't work out, we'll just move to someone different. No need to behave as if we can't make corrections.

    Now just for clarification, what are the metrics for this job? What do we measure to determine if she's doing a good job?

  37. 1/15/2008 9:43 PM

    Please name ONE CEO (that hasn't been fired) without an advanced degree that did not come from a tremendously successful company that they started, founded, etc.

  38. damn, 8:05. i think the person above you simply asked a question. i re-read the questions and i fail to see anything that's hateful. i suspect that you're the one who's doing the hating, and don't have an inkling also about what a certified fundraiser is.

  39. for the university to be in the supposedly dire financial straits that it is, the president sure can find money to hire these unqualified people, like ronald holmes. for a six-figure salary, i'm expecting some damn miracles to happen. pull a mf rabbit out the hat or something. cut a lady in half or something. chop off a mf finger and then make it reappear. something. anything.

  40. 11:29 pm let me be the first to say...YOU'RE AN IDIOT! No one should ever be subjected to that climate of expectation. No amount of salary is worth it. Sometimes we can get full of ourselves and become critics of everything without being prepared to do anything. Pres. Ammons DOES NOT have to check with us to hire and fire. We are simply bratish. This is not defending the school or any hiring process.

    Many CEO and executives did not even finish college or attended. They had the natural skills to do things that lettered people still cannot do. As a degreed person, I am sure, because of maturity and experience, that this woman would not have been hired simply because she got a HOOK-UP. No one better knows than Dr. Ammons the dire straits that those kinds of hires will put us in. He is under the microscope by people who matter more than just the disgruntled on this board. Let the woman (and every other hire) for that matter do their jobs. If they don't work, we are not stuck with them. Rest assured, everyone that is being hired at FAMU has a "you better get it done" clause in their contract. SPTU is waiting to report on every dissension that happens. I for one will not be obliging them!

  41. ^^^^^^^^^

    Again, name ONE single CEO that was hired by ANY successful company that did not come from a successful company that they started, founded, etc. that did not have an advanced degree in education.

    In the words of Katt Williams....."Don't worry, I''ll wait!"

    Maybe instead of calling everyone an idiot here (i mean is she your sister or something??????) you shouldn't spout idiotic statements about CEO's not having degrees. And in case you didn't know, hook ups go on all the time. But instead of attacking everyone, I challenge you and anyone for that matter to answer the question I posed above.

  42. Yall need to play nice!

  43. It doesn't matter if they started the company or not. There are many people that don't have an advanced degree or a degree at all that successfully started and ran the company. Why does it even matter to you who got the position. Are you angry because you applied and you didn't get the job? You seem quite angry 1/16/2008 12:35 AM...

  44. Leo Sam highest earned degree - MS
    Dorothy Williams - highest earned degree - MS in lbrary science
    Eddie Jackson - MS (who knows)
    Love Collins - BS (and I really mean BS)
    Ron Joe - BS and military advanced education

    Of the above, the most successful candidate in the VPUR office was Leo Sam (an outsider) hands down. I remember when people pitched a fit on Leo Sam's appointment. All of the other administrations' were blemishes on FAMU's record. They did nothing but collect a check and keep shjt going.

    The committee recommended these two candidates to President Ammons.
    This was his selection after a round of interviews with faculty, staff and the division. BTW, Leo Sam served on this committee. If he thought this candidate could not cut it, he and the committee would not have recommended her to the president.

    People, we need to stop being so mean and nasty to CHANGE (emphasis on change) and people outside of the FAMU circle. All FAMUans are not the best choice to lead divisions, teams, etc. for FAMU.

    Let's Go Rattlers -- a rebirth of FAMU' claim to prominence under Dr. Ammons'leadership.

  45. Col. Ron Joe also has a Master's in Public Administration

  46. and in BSing.

  47. 12:35am

    Michael Eisner was Disney's CEO for 20 yrs with only a BA and he did not found or start Disney, Jeb Bush was the Gov. of the State of Florida its Chief Excutive Officer and only had a BA and he did not found or start Fl. and the list can go on and on...and on the other side Gainous and Bryant had EDd's and they couldn't lead a horse to water so your point is moot and for the kicker of all kickers the PRESIDENT of Florida Atlantic University only has a Master's Degree Frank Brogan!!!

  48. So let old girl do her job and time will tell all things.

  49. Game! Set! Match!

    Go FAMU!

  50. 1.) Please read the question again about the CEO's. It was stated: "Who was not fired." Eisner was FIRED in 2005 by shareholders. I know because I have Disney stock.

    2.) Jeb Bush was a Governor and not a CEO. He is a civil servant and not an institutional executive and even still, he's a Bush (you killed your own argument with that one)!

    3.) Gainous and Bryant had the equivalent to doctorates IN THEIR FIELD OF STUDY, which they had to have to even apply for the position. BTW, Humphries also had an advanced degree before he took the helm and how successful was he?

    4.) The president of FAU, guess what..... STILL has an advanced degree and guess what..... Had PRIOR SENIOR LEVEL MANAGEMENT EXPERIENCE before he was appointed.

    You can defend this as much as you want to, in the end you have to realize what the VP of University Relations does (which im sure you don't). Please explain what experience she has with a Foundation seeing that you are fine with the fact that she is our new chief executive over it. Another consultant got hired and now its the spin cycle.

  51. Have you reviewed her resume/CV in its entirety? If not, STFU.

    Ron Joe is gone. There will be no reunion of the gang, Haynes and others.

    We have turned that page, closed the book and are now writing a new one.

    Tom Haynes and his accomplishments can stay fcuk in NJ.

    Ron Joe can take his behind home and watch the forest grow for all I care. Just so long as he is gone.

    BTW, Ron or Tom did not have foundation experience either.

  52. You Tom Haynes supporters are not helping his case. This is divisive and we should move on.

  53. The Record on Dr. Humpries PhD stands alone in Higer Education for African Americans. PERIOD! Let me tell you the major issue in black America is that in 2008 we still let other folk define and tell us who is or was good and worthy. Dr. Humpries PhD took a school that was half boarded up and with an enrollment of less than 6,000 students and an endowment that was basiclly a joke and breathed LIFE into a dying institution!! So if you want to know how Successful he was hell look at the over 12,000 students now, the 119 million dollars in the endowment, the return of the Law School,the expanded number of PhD programs and masters programs. He is a man of honor and distiction!

    Futhermore, all of your points are moot! Eisner was there for 20 yrs before being fired, so the point was he was there with a BA in english for 20 years! Bush was bad but he still was the CEO of Florida no matter what or how you wish to spin it that is what the Gov. is period. Gainous and Bryant applied that is a joke. And then you make a complete loop and defend FAU president give me a break, while you condem this woman who has not even started yet. This man has a masters degree and he has on his staff people who educationally speaking have to be thinking, are you people for real. Just like I am thinking are you for real. My people personally will go to meet the new hire as a donor and with a check in hand and they will expect nothing less than professionalism of the highest order and that sir is the measure by which I listen to people who have so much to say about FAMU!

  54. Thanks, that was my point exactly. The fact that Humpries was qualified BEFORE he got the position and was greatly successful. The fact that he had a proven track record and was already a leader. Thanks for proving my point. There hasn't been this many comments on anything since I can remember......I wonder why....LMAO!!!!!! I hope you give ALOT of money, then show her principles in investment while you're at it and basic fiscal planning so that the money can actually be used for the future of FAMU. Thanks for being sheep.....LOL!!!! HA!!!!

  55. 10:52, what are you campaigning for? You might need to join Hillary and the weeping parade! You have absolutely no basis of truth for your argument of unreadiness and lack of capability. You do not know her knowledge base. You ask for examples, you are given them, then you go on this wild tangent for/against Humphries. Choose your point. Point blank, your guy didn't get it and someone else did. Again, IF you are for FAMU ( and that's a big IF), then keep it moving. You are given the right to your opinion but as for me, I would rather someone be knowledgeable about fundraising and building key relationships to increase donor participation than to have a advanced degreed do-nothing who cannot add a penny to pinch neither a pot to piss in! This is coming for a multi-degreed alumnus!

  56. its amazing to me how the one person defending this is so confrontational. relax lady before you catch heart attack! Sheesh! now maybe you don't care about qualifications but others do. personally i support the institution not just one person. im glad Ammons is here, but he can make mistakes too. FAMU was here way before him and hopefully it will be here way after. After seeing this school go through its decline beaaue of job incompetence, financial mismanagement and lack of leadership, my eyes are wide open! i would hope we would hire the best of the best, but sometimes the best don't apply. And sometimes we don't hire the best of who applied. But to bring in anyone at 3X their previous salary, they better be worth it! and that goes for this lady, our new coach, the AD and whoever else!!!

  57. Maybe you should join the FAMU police since you've developed the all-seeing eye syndrome. Let's keep it movin'! Oops, do you have an advanced degree to apply?

  58. 11:48, you AND your mother are idiots. 11:29 must've hit a nerve for you to go off the way you did. the truth hurts, does it not?

  59. 1/15/2008 9:43 PM
    William Weldon J&J (Johnson and Johnson) only has a BS in Biology. Best company I ever worked for.

  60. From the John Brown website

    Carla S. Willis
    Senior Consultant

    Carla S. Willis, CFRE is a Senior Consultant with JBL. Prior to joining the JBL team, Carla served in number of development leadership positions in a variety of higher education settings, and was a Regional Director at the University of Michigan for the College of Law during the U of M’s $2.5 billion campaign. As a consultant, she assists clients with feasibility studies, development audits, pre-campaign planning and preparation, development of ask strategies, and solicitation of donors. Carla is an active member of CASE (Council for Advancement and Support of Education) and currently serves as a Board Member for CASE District V. Carla is also an active member of the Association of Fund Raising Professionals (AFP) and has held many offices in the Toledo, Ohio Chapter of the organization, including President in 2002.

  61. She worked at the Law School during the 2.5 billion dollar campaign? Plenty of people worked at the university during the campaign!!!!!

  62. What is the school's endowment? The figure has not been updated on wikipedia. Every other institution in the States updated theirs. Are we spending our endowment during tight budget times?

    What is going on at the foundation?

  63. RN what do you know about the endowment? Is the university spending it? I checked wikipedia too, and it looks as though they did not submit any updated information. What is going on?

  64. President says that we are $19 million in the red.

  65. the above poster i know your lying....don't turn me into a furious Rattler over here, because at this point i can't afford it....

  66. RATTLERS, remember a while ago some of CVB's people said they would use this site to try to rip apart the new administration in retaliation for RN exposing them?

    Let's not engage CVB's unemployed. You know who they are and you know how they do

  67. I figure that amount is probably what he has to cut based on statewide budget cuts.

    If so, like everyone else, be prepared for lean days. Education all over the state is suffering.

    The question is what are we going to do to help.

  68. I think RN needs to find out whether the administration is spending the endowment. The figure has not changed on wikipedia for close to two years. It seems others are updating and submitting numbers regularly.

    RN needs to be asking tough questions. What is going over at the foundation.

  69. 12:45, just go on and say it: you want the old RN back.

  70. If you want RN to have more information encourage people to seek him out. The reason so many people spoke out to the old RN, was b/c they were so disgusted with CVB that they didn't care about the consequences, so they approached him. With a new administration very few people will do that. People don't dislike Ammons on they scale that they hated CVB. Think about it, stop complaining. If you can do better, DO IT! This guy is in college, remember, this is not his job. This is a service.

  71. Remember that RN is a pro-FAMU, pro-Ammons blog. It was the first major voice in the FAMU community to endorse his candidacy.

    Ammons has more experience and credibility than Castell, so there's really no reason to second guess every decision he makes.

    He's shown that he's capable of getting FAMU out of the mess that Castell left. The evidence is found in producing the first unqualified audit in three years, making clear progress towards lifting the SACS probation, and getting the pharmacy school off probation.

    For those reasons, Ammons should receive the benefit-of-the-doubt and more breathing room to make decisions quietly. He clearly has FAMU's best interests at heart.

    We CANNOT let this blog be hijacked by disgruntled former supporters of Castell's who want to kill the Ammons adminstration before it even has a chance to get FAMU back on solid ground.

    There should be intense scrutiny of people who stand as obstacles to progress such as the micromanaging R.B. Holmes and people like Carolyn Roberts and Mark Rosenberg who want to take away all FAMU's graduate programs. We need more information about what those individuals are doing behind the scenes.

    But when its all said and done, I for one, support Rattler Nation's current direction.

  72. First, let me say that folks spend way too much time talking about CVB. People are giving her way too much credit and power.

    This is about the real enemy.

    I think Dr. Ammons is a wonderful man and well capable of running our show.

    I don't think I could have stated it any better than the last poster. Clearly some wisdom found its way to this site.

  73. The endowment has not been updated because the foundation is losing money on its investments or it spending the endowment to survive.

    It is one or the other. The school is not reporting numbers because they do not want anyone to know that the endowment is shrinking.

  74. The story on Holmes and the DRS is getting some negative coverage from the St. Pete Times. This is a headache that FAMU really doesn't need right now. Trustees need to stay the hell away from personnel decisions.


  75. It should get negative press. This was a foolish move by the trustees

  76. Indeed this foolish decision by our board of trustees is sure to receive negative press, and guess what its very deserving of it. Rev. Holmes should havenever had any cloat in this decision from the beginning. As a matter of fact he should have vanished with the CVB bandwagon. We can't afford for people that make flip-flop decisions, and deliver hook-ups to family members serve as oversight for our university. Individuals are going to make comments like, "give the man a chance, and lets see what he can do..." To hell with waiting, for living sakes people not only was this man a relative of a trustee member, but he was an assistant principal of A FAILING SCHOOL. How do you expect to improve anything when your hiring people that have tried the same approach at one place and failed...my GOD this wasnt a wise decision, im not blaming Dr. Ammons...this is the fault of the BOT for letting this precarious decision slip through the cracks,. Now what will we do when our DRS is still failing, is the people defending this man going to admit i was right, or sit in shame...then what when DRS is failing...huh??? Fire him than fulfil his contract which means we lose money that could have went towards the benefit of the students...then we will have to yet again wait for a new and hopefully competent superintendent to oversee DRS????

  77. What's done is done.

    I believe in Ammons and the fact is that if the DRS move doesn't work out. R.B. will allow Ammons to be rolled under the bus much like Big Al will distance himself from Ammons if his boy the Basketball Coach fails.

    It is unreasonable to expect R.B. to have enough manhood and respect for the President to have told his brother not to apply. If, as he states in the interview on the blog, he told his brother not to apply, what kind of brother would go against his brother on the BOT who advised him not to get involved.

    Another problem I have is that Jennings line of questioning of Ammons about the hire. Was this conversation before the meeting, a clear sunshine violation.

    Somebody up there better get their stuff together cause the more folks talk, the more they reveal.

  78. Ammons told his cabinet he anticipates the current-year FAMU budget will be cut by $4.6-million in coming weeks, for a total cut of $18-million this year. And statewide, university officials fear the 2008-09 budget will be even more painful

    I thought that is what he meant. Things are going to get worse before they get better.

    The real Rattlers need to rise up and join the fight on all fronts.

  79. So it looks like Ammons is spending the endowment and practicing cronyism.

    If the school is not turned around then Ammons should be shown the door.

  80. I have yet to see any evidence to support the claims that the endowment is being spent. Either show the numbers or shut your lying mouth you Castell lackey!

  81. Well their is evidence on wikipedia. The endowment has not been updated in two years. The foundation is covering something up.

    RN how can we find out what FAMU has in the endowment. We need to ask these questions.

  82. A wikipedia site that hasn't been updated is evidence of slow updates. I swear people look for anything to criticize and blow it up out of proportion.

  83. We CANNOT let this blog be hijacked by disgruntled former supporters of Castell's who want to kill the Ammons adminstration before it even has a chance to get FAMU back on solid ground.

    So let me get this straight, if you criticize Ammons or things that are questionable you are a former supporter of Castell.

    Yeah right.

    Be careful, you are getting worse than them.

  84. So let me get this straight, if you criticize Ammons or things that are questionable you are a former supporter of Castell.

    If you come onto this blog to spread lies like Castell's supporters did to trash Ammons during the presidential search process then you've shown us your true colors. You're not fooling anybody!

  85. Nobody is trying to spread lies. Just noting the hypocrisy.

    I personally advocate the higher ground and I detest the fact that if someone disagrees without being disagreeable they get labeled as a supporter of the wicked bitch from Jasper.

    I couldn't stand her but she's gone.

    There are more folks that support Ammons than are against him because the fact is that if his presidency fails, FAMU is done. I don't think we can recover from another failed presidency but y'all sometimes are worst that Rufus and Junebug.

  86. I want the best for FAMU, what is going on with the endowment?

    While other institutions are updating theirs, FAMU is not. Where can we get info on this?

    The number has not moved in two years. Something is up?

  87. Are you asking a rhetorical question? Shouldn't the information you are asking for be available somewhere.

    Have you gone and asked?

    NuRattler doesn't need to pursue this, you do. Then report back to us.

  88. There is no information listed on the Foundations website. This is becoming alarming.

    I think our endowment might be getting smaller and the foundation and the president are keeping silent.

  89. Looks like the foundation is in the business of losin' and not makin' da $$$$$$

  90. Speculation! Speculation! Speculation! How did this thread turn into an investigation of the Foundation?

  91. 9:28, i think it was a morphing of great magnitude, probably because ms willis is the Foundation person, so everyone wanted to throw their two cents in about everything except the kitchen and bathroom sink, for good (or bad) measure.

  92. 11:28, my bad (i had the time incorrect).

  93. FAMUs endowment is $76 MILLION... mark my words you don't necessary have to beleive me, but i have my sources and they are very credible....

  94. Now I'm pissed.

    The St. Petersburg Times lists its article

    "At FAMU, it's just so Blatant"

    Got news for ya. Name one job that "hook-ups" don't play a major part.

    I am willing to bet everyone who applied had a "hook up". Dr. Holmes hook up just trumped the other folks hook up.

    Let's call it as it is. Folks would have been bytchin and complaining regardless.

    Meanwhile this thing has us looking like clowns and the BOT looking worse.

    It is somewhat amusing the comments that are attributed to Jennings and Holmes.

    you would think that they have absolutely nothing to do with the day to day operations on campus.

    If Dr. Ammons was so lucky. Let the man do his job. I bet if you got rid of the whole BOT and replaced them, FAMU would thrive immediately.

  95. Seemingly, this is systemic with Holmes. Let's do for him what we did for Lowe! I don't believe the Foundation report of 76 million. That sounds contrived. Although, it seems that some activities are suspicious, let's allow those hired to do their job. This kind of rhetoric is the very things that STFU, some on the BOG and still some at FAMU want to see and hear. We know there are forces who are ANTI-FAMU and AMMONS which is incredulous because even if we didn't like Ammons, we STILL would never want CVB and her administration back. Everyday as we see the new administration come in, they start removing the cancerous cells that have attributed to the decline of the university. We on the sidelines are not privied to meetings. Let things unfold. Ammons has VERIFIABLE results. That's something that we are not used to. We are living in the "this is too good to be true" phase. All of us have who we would and would not hire. That's our personally preference. But we do not know the particulars of why some were chosen and others were not. So we speculate cronyism. We know the STFU works at the behest of those who most dislike FAMU whose plots were spoiled to defeat us. However, we cannot afford for AMMONS to fail. Thusly, support him and let the process weed out those who are not qualified. It might be some of you who post on this very board.

  96. Is it true that FAMU is about to cut some low enrollment programs(like Clark Atlanta University) to make up for the 19million dollars....this rumor id swirling all over lee hall.

  97. FAMU is considering cutting back on summer school and/or increasing class sizes during the summer semester. The administration has also stated there will be lay-offs.

    However, no one has officially mentioned shutting down any programs.

  98. Holmes got lowest score, FAMU records show
    The FAMU committee that interviewed the three finalists for the director's job at the FAMU Developmental Research School gave Ronald Holmes – who ultimately got the job – the lowest score, according to public records obtained last night by The Gradebook. Holmes is the brother of influential trustee R.B. Holmes, and his selection by President James Ammons (left) and the Board of Trustees on Dec. 31 has kicked up accusations of cronyism.

    The three finalists – Holmes, the assistant principal at an Atlanta-area high school; Rose Campbell, the K-6 principal at the research school; and Richard Williams, an administrator and former assistant principal in the Miami-Dade school system – were rated by seven committee members on how they answered a series of 14 questions, including how they would turn around a troubled school (FAMU DRS got an F from the state last year) and their experience in starting new programs despite budget constraints.

    Ronald Holmes got an average score of 48.2, the tallies show. Campbell got a 50. Williams got a 51.25.

    Asked by The Gradebook for Ammons' response to the ongoing criticism, FAMU spokeswoman Sharon Saunders e-mailed this statement last night: "Dr. Holmes met all of the qualifications and is a seasoned professional. His area of specialty is on test score enhancements. He has been especially successful in this area which is a critical need for FAMU DRS students."

    Reached by phone this morning, Williams, who graduated from the FAMU research school and earned his bachelor's degree from FAMU, said he was "overwhelmed" when told by The Gradebook that he was the top scorer. But he also said he had no hard feelings. He said he did not know whether Ronald Holmes' family ties played a role in his selection, and was not concerned about that issue. Ultimately, Ammons had the option to choose who he thought was best for the job, he said: "That's the choice the president made, and I support it."

    - Ron Matus, state education reporter

  99. OK, ENOUGH ALREADY! Ms Willis has the job and will be there as long as Ammons wants her to be there. PERIOD. End of story.

  100. The incredible shrinking endowment.

  101. As an actual taxpayer in Florida (because I assume most of you are not) I am appalled by the fact that given FAMU has gone through dire straits. So dire in fact that the school in in danger of loosing its accreditation. I mean, FAMU received probation which, sugar coat it as you may, is the last step before loosing accreditation. I would think now would be the best time to have the very best people in place to ensure the future of FAMU. The absolute very best. You need this because, i'll say it one more time, we are at the last step before a great institution is placed into possible receivership. We don't need the "I think they'll do a good job" people - NO, we need the "I KNOW they'll do a great job people!"

    The motto should be FAMU FIRST! Not Ammons first or even Humphries first (with all his great accompllishments). Realize if Ammons fails it could realistically mean the end of an institution that has survived for 120 years. To me reading all these comments, which I think in a record for RN, its almost reminiscent of the republican political tactic whereas anyone that was against our pointless (my opinion) war - they were demonized as being against the troops. As if americans wanting them home and safe from warfare was unpatriotic. Everyone here that questions a decision by a university official (Ammons) is placed as a Castell supporter, disgruntled employee, bitter, etc...... This to me is ridiculous. We've seen what can happen to FAMU when leadership and the decisions therein go unchecked. What our history shows is that when that happens, we go on probation and face loosing our accreditation. As Ammons has done great things, if we as supporters of the institution don't take an active role in being the watchdogs to decisions, policies or whatever.....who will????? It seems that, as of late, with the hire of the DRS superintendent and the VP of University Relations, we are hiring people that 1) haven't been advanced in their current capacities by the people that know them best, 2) were not the candidate of choice by the interviewning committee, staff, etc., and 3) most likely would not get hired by any other credible institution or make the type of money that FAMU is freely handing out.

    In the wake of budget cut backs and the air of "lay-offs coming," I feel for the actually hard working employees at FAMU. It is shamefull that FAMU can find money for certain individuals and be forced to fire others. I hope supporters of FAMU are that and not just supporters of Ammons, the Board of Trustees, or whoever else. Please place your trust in the institution and not humans. Please look at what is best for FAMU and not just what is best for individual people.

    We need the absolute, no question, verifiable, no doubt VERY BEST at this institution in our time of need, but then again......that's just my two cents.

  102. To poster 1:06 am:

    I understand your profound concern for our university. I too share it. Nothing concerns me more than the probationary status of our university. It affects not only the present students but more importantly, the future positioning of a still much needed mission in the US- to educate African-Americans; equipping them to become to the profound leaders in the changing world. So with this, we share the same viewpoint.

    However, we disagree at the point of support for just the university and not its leadership. Although, I understand the statement, we must error on the side of caution to note that it is the leadership and staff, faculty and students, that make the university what it is. Not vice versa. We have to trust, to some great degree, that our university's leadership have the quality capabilities that can advance the university forward. We must also note that we often fail to strengthen our university when we attempt to overly scrutinize every solitary decision that is made. It is wise to pay attention, but with the understanding that we, who are not privied to all of the information, only see through a glass dimly. Leadership does not mean that mistakes will not be made (assuming that some of the recent appointments are), but how you admit and recover from them and lead on to the next level. It is not wrong for Ammons to bring in people who he trust and knows. That's smart and moreso, that is what we would do if we in position.

    The layoffs, I'm sorry to hear. But, that's life. I do not believe that the university desires to layoff anyone. But as a taxpayer, you know and I do, that the state of FL (with its previous leadership) has made it necessary for these things to happen. Most of the universities are being faced with this reality. But hiring new people who are can lead the university through these tough times are essential. This is not a strange phenomenon and definitely not solely indigenous to FAMU.

    Finally, wisdom says to me to not be judgmental of decisions of which I do not have all the information. FAMUans are like a person who has been in repeated bad relationships. When someone finally comes who is good for them, they automatically put up defenses to not be hurt or embarrassed again. And worst, makes the new person pay for the old person's abuse. That's not fair. Because it's the new person that can bring you into a place of healing. Let's be both/and- trust our current leadership yet be vigilant watchful. Most of all, let's be prayerful that FAMU will rise to every occasion and ultimately, TO THE TOP!

  103. I am all for giving folks benefit of the doubt. Ammons gets that with me. The same benefit was given Dr. Bryant, except she burn up all good will within a week.

    Dr. Ammons has a long way with me and I hope he is the one to lead us. I fear we may not get another chance

  104. words to live by

    Humphries says FAMU's problems really started when the Board of Regents was dissolved and politics started trumping qualifications

  105. Ammons is a joke. People at FAMU better wake up.

  106. The man who led this university to its first qualified audit in three years is no joke.

    Ammons is getting it done.

  107. ^^^unqualified audit

  108. From Forbes

    CEO Compensation
    Keep Your CEO Out Of Grad School
    Matthew Herper, 04.25.02, 6:00 PM ET

    NEW YORK - Think formal education helps in business? Think again. Chief executives who went to graduate school don't seem to make any more money for their shareholders than those with no advanced degree. M.B.A.s may actually do worse than those with no advanced degree, although they fare better than lawyers.

    Ignorance Pays
    Type Of Degree Number Of CEOs* Median Total Return
    No Advanced Degree 163 16.0%
    Doctorate 24 15.5
    Master's Degree 37 15.3
    M.B.A. 165 15.2
    Law Degree 51 13.9
    *Includes Forbes 500s CEOs for whom all data is available. Only degrees with 20 or more CEOs are counted. Median total return to shareholders is annualized over the CEOs' tenure. Source: FT Interactive via FactSet Research Systems
    Formal education does count for something. M.B.A.s turn up as chief executives more often than people with no advanced degree at all, and 50% more often than executives with law degrees, master's degrees and doctorates combined. Harvard M.B.A.s have a particular knack for becoming chief executives: 38 of them are CEOs of some of America's biggest companies. Unfortunately, that doesn't seem to help their shareholders much.

    Of the 440 CEOs on this year's Forbes 500s list of America's top companies for whom complete data was available, 38% have a master's of business administration degree. But the M.B.A.s did slightly worse than those with other types of master's degrees or doctorates. The 163 CEOs who had no advanced degree outperformed those who did.

  109. So the endowment goes from 109 million to 76 million? I think the foundation needs to let RN what is going on?

  110. First of all, can you document this? Secondly, I find it hard to believe that the depletion happened in the last year

  111. Well the foundation has not changed the figure on wikipedia in 2 years. And the foundation is not returning my email.

    I personally think something is up. Why are other institutions submitting endowment info and FAMU not? It can't be good.

    The foundation could end speculation by updating the site for a change. However, silence seems to be the status quo.

    Something is up!

  112. 12:02,
    No offense, but who are you that the Foundation must expedite an answer to you? If an answer has not been received as of yet, do you think negative speculation is in order. Also, I agree with the previous poster. If there is a decrease, it could not have JUST happened in the last year.

  113. I believe the decrease has been happening for awhile. The foundation has not put out any published material about the endowment for sometime. The wikipedia site has not been updated in nearly two years, while other institutions have. Why? Because the foundation is hiding something, that is why. If people care about FAMU then they should be asking questions about the endowment and lack of published material.

    One poster says it is 76 million, when the wikipedia site says 119 million. I smell a fish and people should care.

  114. 5:27,

    Do you know who shot JFK? Geesh!

  115. So you are dismissing me because I raise a valid question?

    I think all of RN needs to be asking questions about the endowment. We are the only institution not publishing info about it year to year.

    Why is that? Something is not right!

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