Attorney General commends FAMU Police


Florida Attorney General Bill McCollum commended the FAMU Police Department for its handling of a campus shooting last week.

"The news ought to be just as strong and powerful when you have a university and a university police force that prevents tragedy from occurring on a college campus as it is when one occurs," McCollum said.

Five men were arrested immediately after a shooting last Friday near the Set, a popular student hangout. Bullet holes were found in the trunk of a car.

"With all the students that were present, none of them were injured," McCollum said. "The warning system that went out in a potential situation of danger on a college campus was executed very, very well."

McCollum said the method used to notify students, staff and faculty members about the danger — with sirens and text-message alerts — is a model universities around the country should follow.

"When you have a shooting such as this, it is difficult at best to prevent it. It can happen anywhere," Calvin Ross FAMU Police Chief said. "Fortunately for us, our officers were in place and responded appropriately. We had just gone through a drill about a month ago, and the officers were very much enlightened and keyed up to respond.

Also see: Five detained in FAMU shooting

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  1. This is totally off topic, but RN should do a feature on Reginald Beal, a retired SBI prof who has published a new book called ZEUS THE AVENGER - a historical fiction centered around the MLK assasination.

  2. Great job FAMU PD. You can't be everywhere at all times, but you were certainly in the right place at the right time last week.

    Eliminate The any means necessary.

  3. I hope he's a better writer than a teacher (he wasn't that bad, but not that great either).

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