In the not too distance past the FAMU administration was tight lipped and closed, and getting credible information out of our university was a little like breaking behind the iron curtain.
Fast-forward, today, the climate is anything but --and that's not necessarily a bad thing. In fact, the high level of communication is a welcomed changed. The current administration has employed multiple channels to get its message out and communicate with its various audiences. You name it, facebook, youtube, social networking groups, emails, and blogs and there's an official FAMU presence.
However, it is the university's late entry into one such group that has raised the brow of few alumni. Well after the wildly successful launch of the Rattler Round Up, online social networking group by a private group, the university launched its own group using the same technology, Alumni Avenue.
"This (Alumni Avenue) strikes me as a terrible idea, since it could effectively fragment the alumni community online, an outcome that is in the best interests of no one, including the university," said Peter McKay, a FAMU alumnus and member of the RattlerRoundUp internet community.
"I am uncertain which is the bigger catalyst behind the launch (of Alumni Avenue) -- a control-freak instinct regarding public speech or a well-intentioned but half-baked understanding of the Internet," said McKay.
"I sent a message to the creator of the University built site, explained our mission, and included that we would be more than happy to run the headlines of their communication on RRU," said one RattlerRoundUp Administrator. "Marketing a new site, at this point, will only serve to confuse and divide. If their intent is to reach Alumni with information this (RattlerRoundUp) is One Stop Shopping!"
With over 8183 members RattlerRoundUp is clearly the larger of the two sites. An email by McKay questioning the need for a two sites prompted the following "official" response, "as far as other Rattler networking sites are concerned, the Office of Alumni Affairs does not maintain or control any content that originates from private companies or individuals. Our website is able to provide official University news and information for alumni across the country."
"I still believe that the administration is needlessly dividing the alumni base online and that it’s in the alumni’s best interests to congregate in an independent forum," countered McKay.
"The university should've revised its plan to maximize RRU as the primary social-networking tool for alumni outreach, a function that RRU's founders have demonstrated they adamantly support. In fact, the banners on RRU's homepage encouraging members to donate to FAMU Foundation or join the National Alumni Association have consistently gotten more prominent display than anything along the same lines on the homepage of the university's own social network site," McKay added.
Rattler Nation-v-The FAMU blog
"We welcome the new FAMU-run blog," said Rattler Nation founder Ben Davis. "There's room in the blogsphere for them and many more. Besides, even in a bad week we'll still get more traffic than the FAMU blog has managed to muster in the entire six months its been online."
"Heck, Rattler Nation even did a story on their launch," Davis added.
FAMU went from being closed mouth, under Cast-Hell, to being like the neighbor from down the street who won't shut up ! LOL
ReplyDeleteMcKay needs to shut the f*ck up with all that "Control Freak" mess. All universities of consequence have their own "official" versions of everything. That way, they can control what information gets out there and more importantly, won't be officially tied to dumb sh8t.
ReplyDeleteAnybody can put any GD thing on Rattler Roundup. One coonish banner, start up group name (Poontang Lovers Unite), or advertisement and the University is stuck explaining why they are supporting BS on this site. Most organizations, universities, etc have an official and several unofficial versions of online blogs and whatnot. FAMU is no different. Welcome to Web 2.0
I'll take FAMU's information blitz over the BS we had before. FAMU good news story (from the Public Affairs office) is outnumbering traditional media (St Pete Times, Tally Dixiecrat) 15:1. I'll take that any day of the week.
4/25/2008 8:29 AM
ReplyDeleteBut you're viewing Rattlernation?????
8:42 Ok!!!!! 8:29 must be upset b/c RRU has blown up.
ReplyDeletePete's points were right on target. While, universities all over are jumping into the online fray, smart and strategic moves are what's needed most to put together a comprehensive plan.
ReplyDeleteI'm not so sure the Alumni Avenue thing was well thought out, and it is clear that the university run blog hasn't resonated.
ReplyDeleteThis is 8:29. I love the unofficial stuff b/c when times get bad, they usually have the insider information. Hence RN during the Castell Comedy. I'm also like the 100th member to join RRU while you guys were probably still surfing MySpace looking for underage tallahasse girls while listening to the remix of "No Air".
ReplyDeleteBut the University itself must have official versions, b/c like I said, ANYTHING can be put on RN or RRU. All x-rated comments, profane rants, and nastly letters from FAMUans have a place on the Net. I love all that stuff myself, but I am mature to know that the University cannot afford to be officially tied any of it.
FTR, most other university's official online outlets don't get nearly the traffic of the unofficial outlets. Fact of life, people like it raw. So FAMU will not be much different.
OK, but if the university's goal is to distribute information, how is it in their interests to do so where THERE ARE NO PEOPLE TO READ IT? Doesn't the sheer popularity of RRU suggest that the administration ought to be using it too? Also, since users generate a lot of the content on social-network sites, what is the university going to do if someone does post something "crazy" on their site? Take it down? Is that a good thing for them to do? What constitutes "crazy"? When does that become censorship?
ReplyDeletemy answer to all this is for folks to read what they want to, contribute it you like, move on if you must. it's called "freedom," people. simple as that.
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@ 11:00, I see the disclaimer from RRU but I don't see which stance your taking unless you were another poster.
ReplyDeleteBut anyway, when I found out about alumni avenue I was like isn't this this the same stuff on RRU and would have asked the same questions as Pete, but on second thought as was pointed out the administration does not need to be wasting time explaining or monitoring everything either. So maybe 8:29 has a point but maybe the disclaimer should have solved that. Common Sense says one NING site but everything is not always common.