WANM-FM radio personality Sean "Sean-D" Woods has staked his claim to being the absolute hottest drive time radio DJ in Tallahassee. Woods who takes over the airwaves each Monday thru Friday, from 4-7 p.m., firmly transforms Tallahassee's meager rush hour in to a real live traffic "jam'. If you're not ready to party when the Daytona Beach native comes on the radio, then you probably should change the channel to the local NPR station, cause this young brother is about to set the radio on fire with his own brand of southern-style funk. The Sean-D show is guaranteed to make you move your body no matter where you are.
Sean's radio career started by chance. "I started doing radio just to take up some time to keep me out of trouble," said the recent FAMU public relations graduate. "It was busy work, but I soon discovered it was my passion."
From day one, his 3-year career in radio has taken off quickly earning him paid assignments at the primarily student-run station and rapid promotions. Sean's has held down several post at WANM ---music director, program director, and now operations manager.
The Sean-D show has helped propel the non-commercial station into one of the most listened to radio stations in the Tallahassee radio market, beating out many of its better financed commercial competitors. Triggering the competition to holler, Sean's now familiar tagline --- "I HATE SEAN-D!"
Also see: WANM launches new website
WANM Station manager earns fellowship
RN, while you're lambasting NPR, you would probably do well to tune in yourself sometime and well, be informed yourself. No need to blast another station just because you are not a fan or listener of it. Everyone doesn't listen to Sean-D, and everyone, of course, does not tune in to NPR. But one need not berate one for the other. Holla.
ReplyDeleteWait a minute now, RN didn't "lambast" or berate NPR in no way shape or form!! You just just three conclusions to make the wrong damn assumption!
ReplyDeleteAnd, 12:12, take that baby moma drama somewhere else.
This story is about one our "grad", a young black male, who's seemingly doing something with his life. This kid could be come the next Tom Joyner, Steve Harvey, Doug Banks, or Russ Parr.
...or Don Imus.
ReplyDeleteJust kidding.
Congratulations Sean-D, We Love You!
ReplyDeleteAnd, 12:12, please check yourself.
I listen to the "unhateable" Sean D and he WILL be the next Tom Joyner, Steve Harvey, Doug Banks, Michael Baisden, and/or Russ Parr.
ReplyDeleteIn fact, he's already laying the groundwork. He drives "drive time" in Tally Ho and is one of the primary reasons 90.5 is the third most listened to station in the market.
Don't Hate! Sean D is Great! Keep doing your thang, brother!
Sean D is definitely the epitome of what one should be striving to be when in the radio business. He brings a positive, youthful, and upbeat attitude towards the whole Tallahassee community. Keep up the good work and definitely keep doing your thing...your fan base will be supporting you fully.
ReplyDeleteBTW, to them early morning "haters," Sean D does NOT have any children!
ReplyDeleteThis young man has made Tallahassee radio come alive. He's raised the bar.
ReplyDeleteWOW, do your thang-do your thang Sean-D! As a native of Daytona, it's always so refreshing to see and hear about young men and women (esp. from FAMU) representing and being compared to those who have already made it. That speaks volumes! I haven't heard Mr. Sean-D on the air but he must be making waves. Whatever you do Sean-D, do it WELL! We're proud of you .... FAMU PR Grad (95)Washington, DC