Lost in Cyberspace?: Rattler website on the blink


Down for more than a week, Rattler sports fans have been wondering just what in the heck is going on with the athletic website?

Has the site moved? If so, this wouldn't be the first time that the Rattler athletic website changed domains names. What's more surprising is who owns the "thefamurattlers" domain name:

CSTV Online, Inc.
CSTV Online, Inc.
85 Tenth Ave., 3rd Floor
New York NY 10011
dns@cstv.com +1.2123428715 Fax: +1.7604318108

CSTV Online is the CBS College Sports Network.

Whatever the case, Rattler fans will just have to wait and see how this Rattler sports website thing plays out.

If the site is being upgraded, it certainly shouldn't have been down well over a week to be serviced or replaced.

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  1. This makes no sense for the site to be down this long, I don't care what they are doing to it.

  2. This is a problem...

  3. This is a perfect example of incompetence. Which in turn, causes people not to want to send their money to FAMU. Think about it.

  4. It's not surprising at all that CSTV owns that domain. I think the site has been hosted by them all along.

    If you look further down in the whois of thefamurattlers.com, it's been registered by CSTV since 12-10-2003.

    Sounds to me like a bill hasn't been paid or there's some other disagreement.

  5. the athletics page should have been under the domain of famu.edu anyway. this down website did not look like the famu.edu page which gave me the impression it was under the control of a private group.

    im sure with famu's marketing people and with the inside track into the respective athletic departments and director a good page could be hosted with famu.edu athletics section. also, with the competence ammons and his administrative team has and the image and emphasis they could put on athletics having the athletics page hosted by the university is the best bet.

    oh, and by the way im sure the famu.edu website will not be going down anytime soon.

  6. I support ammons and the work he has done is miraculous!. We must now hold his leadership team accountable to hire competent individuals to perform basic tasks such as revamping our entire website-not just athletics. Get it done mr.seniors!

  7. and this site is still down!

  8. A website from a public institution should not be a ".com" anyway. It should be a ".edu" or a ".org", indicating its non-profit status.

  9. ^^^ that's your dumb ass opinion! that's not set in stone. the website should be whatever is easy for folks to get remember. ^^^^

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