FAMU signs on with ISP


FAMU AD Bill Hayes yesterday revealed that the university has signed a marketing agreement with International Sports Properties, Inc. to help the school market its athletic program.

ISP counts among its many clients Florida State, Miami, Auburn, UCLA, Syracuse and others. ISP specializes in selling advertising in stadiums, arenas, sports program books, and negotiating television and broadcast contracts.

While FAMU signed on with ISP nearly two months ago, according to Hayes, it is not known whether or not the company was involved in the botched handling of the Jericho Broadcasting Network affair.

Hayes says, "they (ISP) are going to show us how to do what we do better." But will Hayes listen?

ISP describes its services as a two step process:
Initial Phase
Current revenue evaluation, Marketplace and competitive analysis, Asset pricing analysis,Corporate client base analysis, Departmental structure analysis, Personnel sales skills analysis, Facility naming opportunities, Ticket sales analysis)

Business Development

Strategic revenue enhancement plan, A continuous focus on aggressive corporate business development, Market positioning and branding of the property, Asset improvement plan (i.e. signage, radio, internet, etc.), Personnel acquisition, if necessary, On-site and off-site training of your sellers, Sales training manual, Appropriate market pricing of assets, Corporate package development, Proposal template, Activity tracking and revenue pacing, Ticket marketing plans, Networking with other ISP properties on business opportunities, National representation to corporate prospects

Guidance in broadcasting?
According to the ISP website, they can also provides a assortment of radio and television programming for its collegiate partners. ISP produces radio broadcasts for football, basketball, baseball, lacrosse and hockey as well as coaches call-in shows. Television programming includes football and basketball coaches shows, and live and tape delayed game broadcasts. ISP has over 800 affiliates on its growing network list.

ISP has its own, a state-of-the-art radio broadcast facility, with the capacity to air 50 national network quality broadcasts at any one time. It is not clear whether or not FAMU will be taking advantage of this expertise.

Also see: FAMU signs new broadcast deal

FAMU cancels new broadcast deal

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  1. It don't matter who they sign, if they not saying something hard head Bill Hayes wants to hear it won't matter!

  2. This is a great move. ISP provides quality service.

  3. It's truly amazing how we pay people at this school (ahem: Bill Hayes) all this money who have to rely solely on outside help. What is the use of hiring executives if they actually bring nothing to the table outside of a roledex of "outside help." If we are upping these peoples salaries two and three times their salaries from their previous employments, then shouldn't they be required to get their own hands dirty????

    At least have ONE SINGLE ORIGINAL IDEA! But maybe thats asking too much. We actually had to put out another six figure salary for someone to go shell out major $$$$ to another company. WOW!!!!!

  4. 11:51am ...

    Do you want the AD to work the cameras too?

    The Question should be ...
    If ISP is capable of now handling ALL of what we have contracted them out to do ...

    With all that took place up there the psat few days, just what role does Keith Miles's company still have in any of this - to warrant continuing to get paid from the school?

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