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Fans redesigned the FAMU football poster and schedule cards which was released early last month. This redesign is a welcome departure from the very bland and sophomoric poster released by FAMU Athletics. The FAMU designed poster was on a salmon orange background and had a picture of new FAMU coach Joe Taylor, surrounded by some random (presumably) football players , standing in front of the statue of Legendary FAMU Coach A.S. "Jake" Gaither. The wording on the posters are essentially the same, except the redesign added the words "Rattler Resurrection".

The redesigned version, at this point, is an internet only version offered as a screen saver.

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  1. I've seen the published version of the football poster and I hated it. FAMU football is about the players not the coaches so I prefer to see the players in the poster. I like the internet version better.

  2. maybe we can get the "internet" to D'bo the athletics website and jazz it up just the same way. I've already got the poster as a background on my computer.

  3. I am glad the FAMMU constituency has decided to take things into its own hands. This poster looks great.


    Our fans have redesigned the FSU 2008 football poster and that ain't no lie.... I think we better go back to the redesigning board.... Who did our redesigning anyhow??/

  5. it still looks better than the b.s. poster of joe taylor and folks in front of the statue.

  6. So are we blatently copying FSU now.....WOW. Where's the originality????

  7. ^^^^^^

    In case you don't know what im talking about......this poster looks like a shabby knock off of this season's FSU poster which came out almost a month before FAMU's. The only difference is that FSU's puts this one to shame!!!!!!

    To whoever designed this......if you're going to copy another schools poster and be that obvious about it.....can we at least choose a school OUTSIDE the same city?????

    Just a question.

  8. Yeah it looks better but its a ripoff of the FSU poster thats all over not hard to see where they got inspired. Take it down before too many people see it. We don't have to rip off FSU for out ideas. Yall got fooled if they told you they came up with the idea...dang, people lets do stuff on our own......

  9. As many talented computer and graphic arts students walking the campus, I'm sure they could have come up with something original. But lets all remember that a fan copied the FSU poster, not FAMU officials.

  10. Maybe a redesign contest is in order??????

  11. I like it. Actually, FAMU's looks better than FSU's. Go Rattlers!!

  12. It's called we want to be known for that??? You like it better than FSU's????? That's because you a Rattler not because those fools came up with an original idea. Don't encourage this s*^t. Rattlers can be original and proud...

  13. FSU cheats & steals. This is not about FSU. To hell with FSU. Am I imitating you because I wear white sneakers?
    Go Rattlers!!!

  14. Actually FSU's looks a little wimpy. FAMU's looks like they are ready for war. I see nothing wrong with FAMU's. Some of you clowns complain for the hell of it.

    GO FAMU!!!!!!!!!!!

  15. 2:39...... Let's just be glad then that YOU are not in charge with conceptualizing the marketing for the school. You'd always have to wait for another school to do it first......LOL!!!!

    Im teasing, but honestly i'm glad you're obviously a die hard supporter. But you can't say in all honesty that this poster looks better that FSU's. That fire effect is so 1990's. It reminds me of those ghetto, cheap No Limit Record CD covers. All we needed was benz's, diamonds and a girl with a big but bending over in front of one of the players.....LO!!!! What was that all about?!?!?!?

  16. 6:43.....You are imitating me if you come out of your house and see me in my white sneakers and then go back in your house to change and try to match my sneakers, and then come back out the house. The only difference is I had on Nike Airs and you put on some Keds, cut a swoosh out of construction paper and taped it on the side.......Hillarious!

    But regardless....the original football poster SUCKS, but they usually suck every year..... except for the one that had Coach Taylor on it with the players coming out of the field house. That ONE was actually pretty decent.

  17. I am a Rattler and I say it is stealing to copy the poster of another university in the same city. You either know that this is a ripoff that isn't nothing like two people wearing white shoes. It's people that called up RN and siad they redesigned the poster when all they did was rip off the FSU poster. Tjhis ain't no black white thing, people. This is honest and dishonest. If the guys had tole RN that they borrowed the FSU idea it would have been more honest. Lets not say a stole idea looks better than the original. Its alot easier to steal than to design. Dang people don't play the dam race card every single solitary time FSu is mentioned. Are you that insecure??? They got some fine football players so why do you want to put them down. Complain about out poster but don't brag about one some po mouth fake RAttler claimed he designed. FAMU is better than that.

  18. First of all this was design by a FAMU resources over 3 or 4 weeks ago. I saw the rough draft so, I don't think anybody was stealing or copying someone else. It's arrogance of the FSU poster to think so. They are somewhat similiar though but there are distinct differences. I may be biased but the detail in the FAMU poster is greater IMHO. I agree with a previous poster that we are our own worst enemy. We great at complaining at everything but weak at producing or problem solving.

  19. 9:25......."detail in the FAMU poster is greater IMHO"

    Obviously, you are biased or you have a very warped since of quality. Have you even seen the FSU poster that everyone is referencing???? And how did you see a rough 3 or 4 weeks ago when it was designed less than two weeks ago? And STILL the FSU poster has been out over a month now....going on a month and a half.

  20. Who cares. It looks better than the poster that was produced as the FAMU football poster.

  21. comparing them side by side, I'm going to give it to the FSU poster as the better poster. The players look like they are drawn in and have muddled uniforms like they just came from losing to NC State. They all also look in shape whereas we have a couple of our Lineman with that gut hanging over the belt. Most importantly, Free Shoes Univ has some advertisements on it. Our website doesn't have jack on it in terms of advertisements.

  22. I can't get that poster and put it in my cubicle next to my FSU coworker's. They look just alike.

    8/03/2008 7:23 PM,
    I'm an admirer of FSU football myself, but uh... who played the race card? What card is there to play? They have blacks, we have whites.

    8/04/2008 9:25 AM,
    It's copying. LOL. As stated, a fan did it, though.

  23. One poster are the good guys, the poster are thugs. How bout that?

    Lets play some football and bury this minor issue.

  24. FSU has one white guy on their poster, we have none. But you gotta give them credit for putting the best players on the poster, Black or White.I think the race card reference is about the people on this site who are going to hate anything to do with FSU, no matter what, but who give FAMU a pass for everything they do. Don't forget we had to give back the MEAC championship for "cheatin and stealin" == FSU still has 2 national championships. Like the man says, let's play some football.

  25. ...And now they're on probation attempting to save those accolades. Just because thay decided to sacrifice a few student-athletes to save face for the program, doesn't mean that there is no wrong there, or anywhere else. BTW, we should have left the MEAC alone a few years back. The conference currently has no VISION! To say the least. And if you're a Rattler, you can understand how a person could have issue with FXU, but it really is the position the school and their supporters take on FAMU. I know FXU fans who are FAMUans and they feel as if they have to denounce or ignore FAMU to belong there. If you know nothing of that, then it will always seem as if some FAMUans just HATE anything FXU. No comparisons. You contribute to that which you dare to separate from and ridicule others for. I love FAMU. I compare FAMU to FAMU.

  26. 8/04/2008 7:17 PM

    FAMU did not have to return those titles because of "cheating and stealing" like you incorrectly asserted...Those titles were returned because there wasnt an athletic compliance office established at FAMU with a staff to supervise student athlete's fulfilling NCAA academic requirements...In fact the compliance office staff consisted of only ONE individual...Supervising the grades/GPAs of all FAMU athletes is a daunting task to ask just one person to do...Let's be informed first before spewing false info on the world wide web OKAY?

  27. The fsu players look like the SIMS...

    FAMU players look like their crotches are fire...What's up with that?

    And what does the acronym D.A.S.H. stand for?

    fsu's has a more dramatic texture to it though...but I dont see how this is stealing...there are several other NCAA football programs with similar posters so I guess FAMU is copying them too...

  28. There are dashes between your birth date and death date. You have no control over when you're born and when you die. However, you can control what happens between birth & death.


  30. 8:31pm.....

    Okay which schools have the same poster??????

    We'll wait, because it seems like a blanket statement to me.

  31. 8/07/2008 7:50 PM...How about this poster:

    Do these guys look familiar? It appears that last year's design/theme was simply "enhanced" for 08. So really now - Who's stealing/copying from who? Hmmmmmmmm?

  32. ^^^^^

    You can see can't you.....I mean you have the ability of know sight. If you're saying that last years poster looks more like this redo than the FSU may need to hit up lenscrafters. WOW....that was just a ridiculous argument!

    CLEARLY the FAMU redo is a knock off of FSU's poster.

  33. I am so proud to see Mr. Collins, Battle, and Cameron on this poster. Make me proud!

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