Governor's Square to host FAMU pep rally

1 minute read

The Rattler Football team, Marching 100, and the FAMU Cheerleaders will take over Governor's Square Mall on Sunday, August 17, from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. as the mall will host Rattler Football Day.

Head Football Coach Joe Taylor and members of the 2008 Rattler football team will be on hand taking photos and signing autographs for Rattler fans from all over the region. Football season tickets will be available for purchase as well as information about FAMU Booster membership. Entertainment will be provided by FAMU’s pep band and cheerleaders.

Governor’s Square General Manager Eric Litz welcomes all Florida A&M University alumni and friends for the pre-season football pep rally.

“August is a time of excitement in our community with the return of college students and the expectations for the coming football season,” said Litz. “This season will indeed be one of expectation for FAMU with the advent of a new coaching staff. We wish the Rattlers much success on the gridiron this fall.”

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  1. I'm so excited! I'm beginning to see more and more FAMU paraphernalia and I can't help but anticipate the upcoming football season. You best believe that I'll be decked out at the mall with my "Rattler Best" come the 17th- just like an overly-enthusiastic FAMU zealot should be!

  2. I'm excited too, but somewhat upset that we can't buy paraphernalia other than in the bookstore. Albertson's on W. Tenn. St. has a large selection, but he can't replenish it because of the new athletic directors mandate that only the bookstore can carry licensed FAMU products. However, they have some nice orange & green tents at that store on sale. However, no negative thoughts. Looking forward to a wonderful season and will definitely be at the mall on 8/17

  3. I'll be in attendance at the mall as well decked out in my Orange and Green. I hope that plenty of Rattlers are in attendance. Got my season tickets and I'm ready for some Rattler football.

  4. 8:11am,

    If the manager at Albertson's told you that he lied. Albertson's shouldn't be selling bootleg stuff anyway!

    Wal-Mart on the Parkway has about the largest selection of FAMU stuff (all licensed) in town... so check them out.

  5. Um... there's a site right below this story... featured prominantly... quite often, actually.

  6. Yes, the FAMU webstore also carries officially "licensed" FAMU products and it is a good source. They usually ship the same day.

  7. It great that the Tallahassee Mall is hosting the rally. It says to the community that the Rattlers are real economic players in the city of Tallahassee and contribute greatly to the economy of the city. It's great PR for the school. The administration and athletic staff & atheletic division (and other folk at the school), and the T Mall manager are to be commended for having this first-ever? pre-game rally. I just hope we don't cut the fool out there and start any mess.

  8. Don't get to excited. This will be a bad year for the rattlers. A 3-8 season. And then you will be woundering why Ammons gave Coach Taylor $225,000. Different Dog same old Fleas.

  9. 8/05/2008 3:40 PM

    Well thank you for that prediction Ms. Clairvoyant...

    Gimme a break. This blog is about a FAMU pep Rally not how you think our season will turn out.

  10. Now you know this wouldn't be any old post without the nay-sayers...Come on (in Al Pachino's voice)! It just wouldn't be right!

    But seriously, I'll be at the mall with my "Rattler Bells" on in all of my Rattler glory-complete with orange and green 'nalia and matching accessories. And even if this were to be a losing season(which it won't be) I'd still give my monthly donation and buy my season tickets, my Booster tag, AND my $9.00 fish-fry meal from the vendor at the side of Bragg stadium. THEN I'd complete the half-time show with an extra-large strawberry shaved ice for my entire row.

    ANDI just might buy an extra ticket for any random person on the street who decides to go at the last minute!

    FAMU Forever!!!!

  11. 8/05/2008 5:59 PM...

    Which row are your season tix on??? Because I need to be sitting next to you! lol

    You can also purchase licensed FAMU apparel from "STRIKES" off of S. Adams Street (across from Palmetto housing)...

    Hosting FAMU fan day at the mall is a great opportunity for athletics and the university to establish corporate sponsorships with various businesses located at Governor's Square (not Tallahassee Mall)...Let's celebrate Rattler football but at the same time take care of business first!


  12. Men can stop reading now....the Cato's store on West Tennessee Street (not in the Mall) carries a good selection of orange and green clothing. It isn't FAMU clothing, just some really nice orange and green work and casual clothes for work or casual. And you don't look like you're wearing mens clothes, either. Check it out... (All sizes misses and plus size 4 to size 24 - the store is divided into Misses and Women's sizes.)

  13. FAMU Yesterday, FAMU Today, FAMU Forever!!!

  14. 8/05/2008 8:36 PM

    What percentage of dollars from those orange and green Cato's outfits return to FAMU???

    That's the purpose of buying licensed FAMU gear only!

  15. Call me a cynic, but was this FAMU pep rally part of a settlement or something? I remember when the malls would put up barricades and close early during homecoming to avoid "the crowd".

    It's great that the city is finally starting to rally around FAMU.

  16. eclectic soul...I have been thinking the same thing. I hope they don't come with those black garbage bags lining the upstairs railings. As a matter of fact, I am going to call and let them I know DO NOT expect to see them there!

  17. It's great that the city is finally starting to rally around FAMU.

    Funny how they will loathe you until the economy goes south. Then all of a sudden they embrace you, because they need your dollars.

  18. ...and all of a sudden, FAMU's money is just as green!

  19. This was strategically done during the summer when most of the students were not here.

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