Jackson out as research head

1 minute read
It appears that Keith Jackson is out as head of the Division of Research as G. Dale Wesson, the former associate VP has been named Interim VP.

Jackson had served as Research VP since August 2005, and came to the university from the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, where he had served as associate director of the Center for X-Ray Optics.

Wesson who maintains his faculty position in CESTA, holds a bachelor of science degree from the Illinois Institute of Technology in chemical engineering; a master of science degree in the same discipline from the Georgia Institute of Technology and a Ph.D. degree from Michigan State University in chemical engineering.

A nationwide search will be conducted to permanently fill the position.

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  1. Anybody knows what went down here????

  2. Their still cleaning out that Castell Administration. One more dean and a few more admins and they will all be gone. Some people leave on their own, hence the director of housing Isaac Brundage. After while that whole erra of admins will be history.

  3. Anyone ever had a conversation with Keith Jackson? Let's just say he was one arrogant dude. I wouldn't be surprised if he was asked to leave.

  4. This will be a welcomed change. I've worked with Dr. Wessson and I know that he is well respected inside and outside of FAMU, especially at Dow Chemical and Michigan State University.

    His degrees show that he is no light weight technically and, I think that he is still doing research with the FAMU-FSU College of Engineering. He is very passionate about doing a god job. He will treat people with the utmost respect and is very likable. He has a whole lot of contacts in industry and academia.

    He has the perfect personality for the job, but keep in mind that although he is very nice and respectable, he don't take no shit!

    I hope they let him apply for the job!

  5. Larry Robinson will be the next VP of Research.

  6. Larry Robinson would be a perfect fit...he stepped in when CVB quit...He went to the Alumni meeting and gave a rousing speech worthy of a true leader! He began FAMU's turn around!

  7. Wesson's cool people. Taught me in my first Chem Eng class. Go get 'em.

  8. Dr. Wesson is cool people. I think he'll do a great job.

  9. Wesson is one of the laziest dudes that I have ever met. He even admits to it. It is scary for me to see him in this position. I think that Larry Robinson would do a okay job. He's not that approachable, though. The job should only require administrative work and so, he should be okay. But a nationwide search can be good. New blood is needed.

  10. Can't believe it took them so long to get rid of Jackson. What are they waiting on with the SBI dean?

  11. Is Wesson still running down fried yard birds and chasing golf balls? He's about the laziest phat butt ever.

    Good riddance -- Keith ain't nothing but a drunk.

  12. This blog sucks as you all never have anything nice to say. Dr. Jackson is a very impressive professional. If it wasn't for Dr. Jackson, NSF would have taken all of the research dollars when the former VP screwed up. We owe him BIG time!!!

  13. What went down is that he made the chief of staff mad. And everybody knows that she is the hatchet lady that is really running FAMU just like she did NCCU.

  14. Has FAMu ever had a "chief of staff" before? I thought Nellie Woodruff was over HR. Sounds like a made up title for the official hatchet person.

  15. To the 8/9/08 12:45 AM blogger: Keith Jackson never did anything to help FAMU with NSF. NSF gave FAMU a great "bill of health" before Keith Jackson took over the VP for Research position. The necessary, acceptable work was completed before Keith stepped into the job. We need to give credit where credit is due, but your understanding of this situation is grossly misguided. This can be verified by the letter of commendation sent by NSF to FAMU.

  16. Dr. Jackson was good to me and although he was quiet but he spoke when things were foul. Frances James is questionable. She is overpaid and acts like she never compromised anyone to get where she is today. Barbara Clayton needs to go ahead and take it to the house. She messes up stuff badly.Dr. Jackson saved her butt. Now Wanda Ford is over in C&G with VP Hardy.VP Hardy what were you thinking. Pam Blount can't stay out of Wanda's office enough to get the work done. VP Hardy sneak over there around 9-12 each day and see for yourself.

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