FAMU celebrates 121 years

big rattler
0 minute read
Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University was founded 121 years ago on October 3, 1887, as the State Normal College for Colored Students. In recognition of the institution’s birthday, FAMU held its annual Founders’ Day Convocation in Lee Hall, with alumnus and state Sen. Alfred “Al” Lawson as the keynote speaker.

Read news coverage from today’s event at the WCTV-6.

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  1. Happy Birthday FAMU....Continuing the Excellence 121 yrs later !

  2. look how far we've come. black folk can do whatever they set their minds to do. i'm so proud of our university. we've done so well with so little, and one of the most significant things about our school is that we're really just beginning to hit our stride.

  3. Dr. Ammons is the example of class!He had two of FAMU's worst president's on stage! They were invited and spoke and were fully engaged. FAMU is GREAT!

  4. I hope the convocation will be aired on FAMCast....

    Who were the two presidents? Gainous and Smith?

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