FAMU’s “Blue Collar Scholar” takes Chicago by storm

big rattler
1 minute read
Chicago has a long record of launching superstar careers. Just ask Oprah Winfrey, Michael Jordan, or Barack Obama. Now, another name is preparing to enter the Windy City’s celebrity ranks: Jeremy I. Levitt.

Levitt, an associate dean and professor at FAMU’s College of Law, is the new weekday 6 to 9 a.m. host on Midway Broadcasting’s WVON-AM 1690. He replaces CNN commentator and former Chicago Defender editor Roland Martin, who left to become a senior news analyst for the Tom Joyner Morning Show.

Known to listeners as the “Blue Collar Scholar” Levitt brings a rich new perspective to the airwaves stemming from years of research on the world’s most pressing international law issues. His large body of work includes single-authored and co-edited books on topics such as Hurricane Katrina and government in Africa.

“Dr. Jeremy Levitt is a new young dynamo that will enhance the station with his charismatic energy, intelligence and conversation that we have come to expect from the morning shows on WVON,” said WVON-AM 1690 Program Director LaMont Watts.

Read more at Levitt’s website here or his WVON-AM page here.

UPDATE: You can use your internet connection to hear "The Jeremy Levitt Show" as it broadcasts live every weekday. Just visit the station's website and click on the "Streaming 24/7 WVON" link on the bottom, left.

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  1. Super! I hope to get to listen in on his show. Can I do that online?

  2. Yes, you can. The link is now available in the post's "update" section.

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