Shortly after her exhilarating election night 2008 at FAMU TV-20, Dawkins penned an op-ed for the News Sun with the following reflections:
I sat on the floor of the FAMU-TV 20 studio with my back to the wall waiting for our special election show to begin at 11 p.m. but at 11:01 several students ran into the control room waving a paper yelling "297!" All I could do was shake my head. My friend Margie kept trying to convince me that it was true but I had to see it for myself.
After a mini debate we ran to the elevator and quickly headed to the newsroom to check CNN. As we rushed into the room everyone was cheering but I still didn't believe. "Breaking News: Barack Obama President-Elect!"
My stomach, which had been in knots all day, quickly dropped to the floor as I wept. The pain I felt was love. All I could think was, "Is this really happening? Is this just a dream?" I just knew I'd wake up Wednesday morning to headlines that read “Nationwide Recount! Florida is contagious.”
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