OT: Get ready for the "real deal"

da rattler
0 minute read

By Maya Angelou
In September 2008, I was invited to introduce Michelle Obama at an event in Greensboro, N.C. I had met her fleetingly during the Democratic National Convention in Boston, but I had no real sense of her personality.

I telephoned Oprah Winfrey, aware that she knew the Obamas, and asked, "What is your take on Michelle Obama?"

Oprah answered promptly and with conviction, "She is the real deal."

Continue reading: At Long Last, The Real Deal

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  1. I like Maya O. and have always been a great fan. Have read and purchased her books over the years and have taught/teach her work in my classes. In recent years, however, I have found her to be commercializing herself more than I really care to see in someone of her poetically esteemed stature. I guess in these tough economic times -- and even before -- every one is out to make a quick buck. (Ok, nay-sayers -- and those who dare say our icons should not be publiclu criticized, let me have it. I'm listening and ready for the onslaught, if it is to come.)

  2. ^^ correction: "...publicly criticized..."

  3. I don't really see how this could seen as being commercialization. Considering her strong support for the Hillary, certainly this could be seen as jumping on the bandwagon a bit. But, hey, after the primaries were over all Democrats are expected to rally around the nominee.

  4. It's not this function to which I am referring. I certainly do not consider this any form of commercialization. I consider her introduction of Michelle Obama a very wonderful and gracious thing. I believe my post says, "in recent years," not "at this current time, etc." Maya A. has been all over the place commercializing herself, at least for the past twenty-some odd years. GirlF has been in all kinds of commercial advertisements, on bus stop benches, on newspaper racks, on billboards, etc., making that almighty $$. And none of the aforementioned have carried any hint of a poetic lyric or any such thing as that, the thing for which she is primarily known. I sort of looked at her in the same artistic vein as Walker, Morrison, Alexander, (the black female poet who will deliver the Inaugural poem at the "O" man's swearing in), et al. But I guess in these difficult times, one must go for the gold when and wherever the opportunities present themselves. I'm still a fan of the woman, but I'm simply making an observation. Maybe girlF's fallen on hard times and having some cash flow probs.

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