Student center gets $2.2M remodeling

big rattler
1 minute read

This fall, FAMU students will discover a brand new look in the Student Services Center. Sodexho, FAMU’s dining services provider, is spending $2.2M to remodel the building.

The newly renovated cafeteria will include a variety of new features, including: a coffee shop/bakery, grainery, international sauté, and vegetarian station.

Popular spots such as the salad bar, pizza/pasta station, and home cooked food section will be back with a fresh feel.

And similar to what’s becoming a standard national trend, the cafeteria will be open all day. This change will provide more convenient hours for students who have scheduling conflicts during the busiest meal times.

The renovations are part of the Ammons adminstration's strategy to improve customer satisfaction and bolster recruitment.

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  1. We've come a long day from the Caf when it was on the Set. Thanks for raising the bar, FAMU. I bet you there won't be any food fights in there (those from the old school know what I'm talking about).

  2. Naw there will be food fights its apart of college life.....

  3. And those involved should be immediately expelled from the university!

  4. 11:17, You J@ck@ss. Expelled!? Student court-cafateria duty teaches the lesson and then we can move on.

  5. Now this is a start a good start. Now lets spread the luv to admissions, registers, and financial aid.... New administration building would be nice.

  6. I think that's down the pipeline. The admin. bldg would be forced due to a vet school housed in a retro-fitted foote-hilyer building-with additional wing etc. OR Something about an additional wing attached to the east of Lee hall/ with parking garage.

  7. This should be nice...

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