Lady Rattler bowlers win division

big rattler
1 minute read
The Lady Rattler bowling team finished atop of the MEAC’s southern division with a 19-5 record en route to its first-ever divisional title. From March 19-21, they will compete as part of eight-team field in the 2010 MEAC Bowling Championship.

Delaware State, Maryland Eastern Shore, Hampton and Morgan State qualified from the northern division, while Florid A&M, Norfolk State, Bethune-Cookman and South Carolina State will compete from the southern division.

The MEAC defending champion Delaware State Lady Hornets, who are ranked third in the nation, captured the northern divisional title with 29-1 mark in MEAC play and 46-10 overall record. The Lady Hornets posted a 15-0 mark in team games and 14-1 mark in Baker games in MEAC divisional play.

The Lady Rattlers, last year's tournament runners-up, were 10-2 in the MEAC during head-to-head team games and 9-3 in the MEAC in Baker games. They are currently 29-12 overall.

Only the top four teams from each division are eligible to compete in the championship tournament.

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  1. Congratulation, Rattlerette Bowlers!!

    And, thank you for a memorable fundraiser bowling night at the Seminole Bowling Lanes during Homecoming.

  2. Congrats TEAM. Keep showing that one person does not stop the progress. we are all proud of your accomplishment, through the barriers.

  3. Congrats. I've tried my hand at bowling. It's not as easy as it looks.

    This is awesome news.............

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