Vann honored by County Commission

big rattler
0 minute read

FAMU return specialist LeRoy Vann was honored last week by the Leon County Commission. Commissioner Bill Proctor presented a resolution to Vann in honor of his FAMU and NCAA record-setting career. Vann holds numerous school, career and NCAA records accumulated in 2008 and 2009.

Vann will be a participant in the inaugural Black College Senior Bowl game in Montgomery, Ala. on Dec. 19.

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  1. Proctor is a cool dude. I know a lot of people don't like him, but I learned a lot from that brother.

  2. This story was not even about Proctor. Shout out to Leroy Vann, we will look for you in the Pros, Good Luck.

  3. One time for Leroy Vann. Pulley, and the other honorees this year. Rattlers, I'm ready for next season already.

  4. Congratulations to Leroy Vann.

  5. Big ups to both LeRoy Vann, and OUR Commissioner Bill Proctor for making this honor possible!

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