“Col. Calhoun is a proven leader, well qualified to lead one of the Florida Guard’s largest and most diverse commands,” said Maj. Gen. Douglas Burnett, Adjutant General of Florida and Commander of the Florida National Guard. “He is a superb officer and the right leader for this demanding assignment.”
Calhoun enlisted in the 1st Battalion, 265th Air Defense Artillery in August 1977 shortly after graduating from FAMU’s then, School of Pharmacy. He attended Basic Training at Ft. Leonard Wood, Miss. and received advance training as a medic at Ft. Sam Houston, Texas. He received a direct appointment as a Medical Service Corps Officer in the Florida National Guard in July 1989 as a Pharmacy Officer with the 131st Mobile Army Surgical Hospital (MASH). He later became executive officer of the 131st MASH; Commander, A Company, 161st Area Support Medical Battalion; Logistics Officer, 50th ASG; Director, Host Nations Support, 50th ASG; and Director, Support Operations 50th ASG. Col. Calhoun currently serves as Commander, 211th Regiment, Regional Training Institute-Florida.
“Col. Calhoun is a proven leader, well qualified to lead one of the Florida Guard’s largest and most diverse commands,” Burnett said. “He is a superb officer and the right leader for this demanding assignment.”
Henry Lewis III, dean and professor of the FAMU College Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences said, “Col. Calhoun’s service to our nation has been exemplary. Within the College we strive every day to make noticeable differences in the communities that we serve like Col. Calhoun has done in the National Guard. His example typifies what we seek to instill in all graduates from the College.”
You don't want to eff with that guy. FAMU Baby!
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