FAMU Student Journalists are Best of South

big rattler
1 minute read
Journalism students at FAMU have received five “Best of South” awards at the Southeast Journalism Conference (SEJC) held in Hammond, La. The purpose of the conference is two-fold: to encourage greater interest in student journalism and to create closer ties among journalism schools in the southeast United States. FAMU represented the only HBCU out of 22 participating schools.

Antonio Rosado, a third year magazine journalism/pre-law student from Gainesville, Fla., won first place for Best Magazine Writer. He also placed first in the Media Law category, in which he was required to complete a 100-question, multiple-choice test on-site.

“The administrators, professors and students in the School of Journalism and Graphic Communication have done a wonderful job of providing a competitive and nurturing learning environment,” said Rosado. “I was thoroughly prepared for intellectual intercollegiate competition.”

The complete list of winners includes:

1st Place, Best Magazine Writer – Antonio Rosado
1st Place, Media Law – Antonio Rosado
1st Place, Best Magazine Page Layout Designer – Joram Clervius
3rd Place, Best College Magazine – Journey Magazine
4th Place, Best Television Journalist – Alicia Mitchell
7th Place, Best Press Photographer – Taylar A. Barrington

“SJGC has great reason to be proud,” said Laura Downey, visiting professor and Journey Magazine advisor.

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  1. Notice, the FAMUAN was missing from that list! lol

  2. Our Journalism Students are the best in the country. Our Journalism Program is the best in the world. Congratulations students, faculty, & staff for your continued success.

  3. I'm proud of you all. Hubba Joram!

  4. FAMU keep on showing off your talents.

  5. Because of its reputation of producing top students, the FAMU J school (and Nursing too for that matter) should be among the first schools prospective students think about when making college decisions. The J school should be on the same level as COPPS and SBI where its common knowledge to attend FAMU if you are a student aspiring to study pharmacy or business at an HBCU. The university has to do a better job at publicizing the J school to expand its already excellent reputation nationwide.

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