Student with perfect attendance heads to FAMU

big rattler
1 minute read
A high school senior who’s made national headlines for her scholastic performance is heading to FAMU this fall.

Khadrea Burton, a student at the Paxon School of Advanced Studies in Jacksonville, has never missed a day of class.

"I've never been sick where I couldn't come to school. If I did get sick it was probably on the weekends or during breaks," she said.

Her parents, who are both principals, helped her stay on track.

"I've tried to stay home a couple times, but the answer is always 'no'," she said.

Burton has been admitted to FAMU’s College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences. She plans to maintain her perfect attendance record throughout her years on The Hill.

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  1. $5 says she misses a class within the first week of school

  2. Congratulations young lady and welcome to FAMU. You are truly one of "The Best & Brightest". We're happy to have you on The Hill. Best of luck to you and enjoy your wonderful years at FAMU.

  3. She represents the new face of our recruitment efforts! This is the quality of student that we need to continue to focus on, thanks for choosing FAMU!

  4. I say 2 weeks @7:57. lol...I wishe her the best.

  5. At least she picked a College at FAMU worthy of her impressive record!

  6. $50 says she goes to class her first week and at least one professor doesnt show up ready to teach

  7. Why do you ignorant MFs want to put a negative spin on this wonderful story?

    7:57 AM, $5 says she doesn't end up like you and 3:47 PM.

    Thanks for choosing FAMU, young lady. You will definitely reach your full potential here.

  8. Congratulations Khadrea! Welcome and here's to your journey to greatness while on the hill. Ditto 4:21. Let's hope this is a trend for everyone.

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