Budget negotiations slightly ease FAMU’s pain

big rattler
FAMU’s budget news is still bad. But recent budget negotiations between the Florida House and Senate have slightly lessened the painful picture for next year.

According to published reports, FAMU will receive an extra $5M in 2011-2012 for “targeted student assistance.” An Associated Press story stated that the appropriation was part of a budget deal reached Tuesday.

The latest conference report on SB 2000, the General Appropriations Act, includes the following for FAMU.

General Revenue: $82,960,550.

This is a big bump over the House’s original $78,076,302 and the Senate’s original $79,184,696. It is still much smaller than the $92,688,997 FAMU received for FYE (the fiscal year ending) 2011.

Educational Enhancement: $13,454,359.

This is an improvement over the $11,720,688 FAMU received in FYE 2011. It is well below the $16,240,777 the Senate originally proposed but above the $12,220,688 the House originally proposed.

Tuition/Fees: $64,091,635

This is just slightly above the $63,089,455 number put forward by the House, which is based upon a five percent tuition increase. The legislature continues to assume that every student will take a full course load, which simply does not happen at FAMU. FAMU’s tuition/fee collections continue to fall millions short of legislative projections.

Infrastructure/Capital Renewal: $2,014,769

There is no good news here. Both chambers agreed to the Senate’s proposal for FAMU’s electrical and technology upgrades. FAMU needs $9M next year to continue critical building code and safety improvements.

Other appropriations:

The FAMU Public Health Entomology Research and Education Center will receive $500,000. $1,500,000 will go to the Crestview Center.

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