FDLE: White did not properly deposit $40K in band dues, under-reported cash theft

big rattler
1 minute read
From the Florida Times-Union:

Julian White, a Jacksonville native and longtime Florida A&M band director, failed to report the theft of about $40,000 in band dues for about three months, according to a recent FDLE report released Wednesday.

And when he did report the theft to university police, White, who abruptly resigned in May, under-reported the amount stolen.

Those are the findings of state investigators who uncovered numerous examples of financial mismangement at the university including per diem payments made to people who were not students when the school’s famous marching band was traveling last year.

White also failed to deposit the cash, checks and money orders into a university account. Instead, he kept the money in a locked storage room.

He told the FAMU police that only $12,000 in cash was taken, according to the report.

FDLE and university police investigations were unable to determine who took the money. And while campus police forwarded the incident to the school’s Division of Audit and Compliance for an investigation, no administrative review was ever done.

White couldn’t be reached for comment late Wednesday.

Read the full story here at the Florida Times-Union.

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