Hardee leaving FAMU for new job at Delaware State

big rattler
1 minute read
FAMU Chief Financial Officer Teresa Hardee is leaving Florida’s only public historically black university to become the vice president of finance at Delaware State University. She tendered her letter of resignation on Sept. 5.

“It’s [Delaware State] a smaller institution and I’ve always wanted to be more intimately involved in all facets of higher education, not just the finances,” Hardee told The FAMUan. “How does finance really impact a student’s life, or faculty life? So I get to do a little more of that in a smaller setting.”

Back in 2007, Hardee was given the task of getting FAMU’s financial books in shape after a string of bad audits. FAMU had received its first ever qualified financial audits from the state in 2004-2005 and 2005-2006. FAMU had also gotten the worst operational audit in school history in 2006 with 35 findings.

During Hardee’s tenure at FAMU, the university went back to receiving unqualified annual financial statement audits. FAMU also went from having the highest number of operational audit findings in the State University System of Florida in 2006 to having some of the lowest numbers in 2008 and 2010.

Even though Hardee’s loss will a big one for the Division of Administrative and Financial Services, the unit still has a number of quality employees who have years of experience in keeping FAMU’s financial statement audits clean. They include Associate Vice President of Finance Vinod Sharma.

“I think he would be an excellent fit,” Hardee told The FAMUan when asked about individuals who might possibly step in to lead the division.  “He has played the number one part in being successful in this job and turning the finances [of FAMU] around.”

The decision on the new interim CFO will be up to Interim President Larry Robinson.

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