Redda secures patent for anti-HIV compounds

big rattler
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FAMU Interim Vice President of Research Kinfe Ken Redda has reached a milestone in his research by receiving a patent for the development of therapeutic agents in the treatment of HIV infection.

“A lot of work, money and analysis were invested into this major discovery,” said Redda.  “We believe in our work. Our goal is certainly to make sure that this discovery will lead to the development of a more effective drug for the treatment of the HIV virus at an affordable price.”

Redda and his research team were awarded United States Patent #8,314,143 titled “Synthetic Flavonoids and Pharmaceutical Compositions and Therapeutic Methods of Treatment of HIV Infection and Other Pathologies.”

“We have a long way to go before the right remedy for treating HIV infection is realized,” said Redda.  “I am excited that we have taken the first step. This is a research activity that has attracted me for the past quarter of a century.  I know we need to do more in trying to make drug molecules to be safer and effective.  I’m delighted to work with such a dedicated research group to reach this stage.”

Redda, who is the principal investigator and co-inventor, secured the patent with his research team. The patent relates to novel therapeutic agents suitable for the treatment of humans afflicted HIV infections.

This patent includes a group of compounds called flavonoids.  Flavonoids are present in vascular plants and are known for their wide range of biological activities. According to Redda, the compounds his team has developed are synthetic flavonoid derivatives designed to target a specific enzyme, HIV integrase.

“HIV infection and AIDS are serious health hazards affecting our society,” said Redda.  “We are proud to be part of the global efforts for a search of a more effective treatment of the disease. Our compounds showed superior inhibitory activities, compared to zidovudine (AZT), a popular drug used for HIV treatment. There is great potential for this substance to become an effective HIV and AIDS treatment.”

Redda’s research team consists of Nelly Mateeva, an associate professor in FAMU’s Department of Chemistry, and Chavonda Janeebra Mills, an associate professor at Georgia College and State University.  Mills was a doctorate student in the FAMU College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences during the initial process of their research.

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    JEN BOBBY ist mein Name. Eine Heilung für HIV zu erreichen ist ein mächtiges Konzept, das oft als der Heilige Gral der HIV-Forschung bezeichnet wird. Mein Arzt sagte mir, dass es keine mögliche Heilung für HIV gibt, ich begann mit der Einnahme meiner ARVs, meine CD4 war 77 und die Viruslast 112, 450, obwohl wirksame Anti-HIV-Medikamente HIV in einen chronisch behandelbaren Zustand verwandelt haben - einen Zustand Sie leben mit, anstatt daran zu sterben - eine lebenslange Therapie zu nehmen, ist eine ganz andere Sache, als definitiv geheilt zu werden.
    Ich sagte der ganzen Menschheit, dass es eine erschwingliche HIV - Heilung gibt, die funktioniert und die weltweite Ausrottung neuer HIV - Infektionen in greifbare Nähe rücken und mit Hilfe von Dr Ahmed Usman Kräutermedizin.
    Angesichts der Wirksamkeit dieses Arzneimittels bei der Behandlung und Vorbeugung von HIV-Infektionen werde ich jedem, der dies liest, sagen, dass ich ein lebender Zeuge dafür bin. Im Gegensatz zu Betrügern und Online-Betrügern, die Sie spielen und Sie mit Verlust von Geld und Hoffnung frustriert lassen, kostet dieses Medikament weniger und es ist einen Versuch wert.
    Wenn Sie daran interessiert sind, von Ihrer eigenen Krankheit geheilt zu werden, wenden Sie sich bitte an Dr. Ahmed Usman.
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    Dr. Ahmed Usman
    E-Mail: ( Rufen Sie an oder WhatsApp unter: +2348064460510
    Hüten Sie sich vor Betrügern online

  2. lcu alexander7/09/2019 7:32 AM

    Lucy Alexander is my name getting a cure for HIV is a powerful concept, often spoken of as the Holy Grail of HIV research. I was told by my doctor that there is no possible cure for HIV, i started taking my ARVs, my CD4 was 77 and viral load 'was 112, 450 although effective anti-HIV drugs have transformed HIV into a chronic manageable condition – a condition you live with, rather than die from – taking life-long therapy is a very different proposition to being definitively cured.
    I put it to the whole human race that there is an affordable HIV cure that worked as well as would put the global eradication of new HIV infections within reach, while also transforming the lives of those now living with the virus, with the help of Dr. Ahmed Usman herbal medicine.
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    Dr Ahmed Usman
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