Chalk Talk Tour concludes with nearly $30,000 in donations

big rattler
1 minute read
Hundreds of FAMU faithful participated in the annual FAMU National Alumni Association convention, held May 16-18 at the Bonaventure Resort and Spa in Weston, Florida. This year, along with its normal business meetings, the NAA hosted the final day of the FAMU Department of Athletics’ “Chalk Talk Tour.”

At the convention, FAMU Athletics announced that it had raised a total of nearly $30,000 during the statewide tour. Director Derek Horne expressed his deep gratitude to the university’s alumni and supporters.

“This was one of the most aggressive undertakings we've implemented since I came here to FAMU.  I want to especially thank Angela Suggs as well as Dr. Thomas Haynes for their work in pulling these events together,” Horne said.

The “Chalk Talk” bus previously stopped in Jacksonville, Orlando, and Tampa. Its final stop was sponsored by the National Rattler "F" Club, staunch supporters of FAMU Athletics. The Rattler "F" Club is responsible for the Jake Gaither statue that sits in front of the Gaither Gym, as well as annually providing lettermen's jackets to all student-athletes who've exhausted their eligibility. National Rattler "F" President Curtis Taylor was on hand for the final event of the tour.

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