FAMU kicks off “Chalk Talk Tour” in Jacksonville

big rattler
1 minute read
The 2013 Chalk Talk Tour started off with a bang in Duval County. Head Football Coach Earl Holmes and members of the FAMU administration enjoyed dinner and conversation with supporters made a donation totaling more than $4,000 to FAMU Athletics. The event was held at the FAMU School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences’ satellite building in Jacksonville.

The Chalk Talk Tour is a fundraising tour generated by FAMU Athletics and the Division of University Advancement. The J.R.E. Lee FAMU National Alumni Association hosted as alumni, friends and fans of FAMU Athletics met in a cozy forum. 

Holmes took an informal approach to his message. 

“I hope you don’t mind if I don’t stay up at this podium, because I feel like I’m among family,” Holmes said.  “I promise you this, we will play hard for 60 minutes, and when you play hard for 60 minutes, you win games.”

The head coach also expressed his big expectations for quarterback Damien Fleming.

“I have no doubt that we have the best quarterback in the MEAC, and he’s from right here in Jacksonville.  Damien Fleming can throw with the best of them and he’s a smart kid that leads by example,” he added.

Holmes went on to introduce Defensive Coordinator and Linebackers Coach Levon Kirkland. 

“People asked me was I still going to be the defensive coordinator, and my response is that I am bringing in the guy that taught me the 3-4 defense when I went to Pittsburgh, and that’s former All-Pro linebacker Levon Kirkland,” Holmes said.

A number of other FAMU staffers joined Holmes on the Chalk Talk trail, including: Thomas Haynes (Vice President of University Advancement), Regina Battle (FAMU ticket manager) and Vaughn Wilson (FAMU sports information director), Carmen Cummings-Martin (executive director of FAMU Alumni Affairs), and Angela Suggs (assistant athletic director for marketing and development).

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