FAMU Institute of Public Health’s accreditation extended through 2020

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The Council on Education for Public Health (CEPH) extended the accreditation of the FAMU Institute of Public Health through July 1, 2020. Far from a small feat, this date will mark 20 years of consecutive accreditation for the flagship program. In addition, CEPH rendered the FAMU Public Health Program as compliant on all accreditation criteria.

“I am elated to learn that our public health program has, once again, attained the maximum accreditation tenure possible from the national accrediting body,” said Cynthia Harris, FAMU Institute of Public Health director (pictured). “This achievement is the result of an outstanding team of faculty, staff, students, administrators, alumni, advisory board and a wonderful cadre of supportive community stakeholders.”

Annually, the public health program, which is housed in the College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, develops and produces culturally competent public health practitioners and leaders through graduate training, research and service. The Institute of Public Health was created by the Florida Legislature in 1995. Subsequently, FAMU was given authority to initially offer the Master of Public Health (MPH) degree. Since that time, the program has grown and now offers the Doctor of Public Health (DrPH). The FAMU Public Health Program was the first accredited public health program in North Florida and the first public health program, including schools of public health, to offer the Doctor of Public Health in the state of Florida.

Since the original cohort of seven graduates in May 1999, the program has graduated more than 260 students. FAMU graduates have gone on to work at the federal, state and local levels in public health, as well as obtain doctorate, medical and law degrees.

In addition to the extended accreditation, the Institute of Public Health’s online master’s degree program was recently ranked as one of the “Best Public Health Schools in the Nation” by Master’s Degree Online.  Among the 50 schools in the listing, FAMU and the University of West Florida in Pensacola are the only schools in the State University System who received the honor.

“We are extremely excited about the strides that the Institute of Public of Health (IPH) continues to make, which include consecutive accreditations with CEPH without non-compliant findings, its strong master’s and doctorate degree programs, the Institute’s invaluable community involvement and now being ranked No. 27 in the Top 50 in the Nation by Masters Degree Online, is exceptional,” said Michael D. Thompson, dean of the FAMU College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences. “Dr. Cynthia Harris and her team of dedicated faculty and staff epitomize great leadership to the nth degree of academic prowess.”

The FAMU Master of Public Health (MPH) degree program is among the top producers of African-American public health professionals in the nation. The MPH degree program is offered both on-site and online. The online program is designed to help individuals progress rapidly up the career ladder with guaranteed basic public health competencies and a focus on public health practice. Physicians and other healthcare professionals are drawn to the FAMU online MPH for the flexibility it offers through anytime, anywhere access.

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