FAMU awards $88K to scholars in Birmingham

big rattler
2 minute read
FAMU presented $88,000 in scholarships Thursday to deserving high school students during its Birmingham, Ala. stop of its President’s Tour.

During the recruitment fair, which was held at the Carver Theatre for the Performing Arts, interested students had the opportunity to meet with recruiters from various colleges, schools and departments, and receive one-on-one assistance.

 “I went to the recruitment fair to get a better feel of college life,” said DeAndre King, a senior at Holy Family Cristo Ray Catholic High School. “I was undecided but I am definitely going to apply now. This event changed my mind. I want to major in biology at FAMU.”

There were performances by the theatrical company, “FAMU Connection,” and appearances by the FAMU Royal Court, presidential ambassadors and university administrators.

Clayborn Mathis, a senior business administration student for Palm Beach, Fla. gave his testimonial during the fair. Mathis, who had to work a majority of his senior year in high school to help provide for his family, said it took his high school counselor to see the potential in him to further his education.

“FAMU has been everything I imagined it could be,” said Mathis, who has interned with pharmaceutical company Eli Lilly. “When I came to FAMU, it was one of the best decisions I’ve made in my life. The planning and structure prepared me for my role at my internship. I had the opportunity to go anywhere—I chose Florida A&M University.”

FAMU Interim President Larry Robinson told the potential students that the university not only provides a strong education, it will help to define one’s purpose.

“As parents, you want to send your loved ones to place where they can find a purpose for themselves,” he told the audience. “We have a full array of programs that will help with that. We expect you to succeed. It’s not just going to be a transformation from high school to college. It’s a transformation in your life’s purpose.”

Justin Redwine, a senior at Hoover High School, said he was shocked when his name was called to receive a scholarship.

“I had the feeling that I might have my name called, but I wasn’t sure,” said the scholar. “I think it is great that FAMU came to Birmingham. It creates more opportunities for students like me who me who may not have as much access to meetings like this. I’m very thankful.”

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