New Polkinghorne Village on schedule for completion by summer 2014

big rattler
2 minute read
FAMU Interim President Larry Robinson and Joe Kokolakis, CEO of J. Kokolakis Contracting, paused to commemorate the topping off a new 800-bed residence hall, located at 667 Gamble Street. The six-story 244,722-square-foot building is projected to cost $37.4 million and is slated for completion next summer.

“On-campus living is a staple in the college experience for several reasons. Students who live on campus tend to be more engaged in the college experience,” said Robinson. “The convenience of being close to their classes, the library and dining services all contribute to an environment that allows students to establish a sense of community and focus on excelling in the classroom.

Robinson and Kokolakis donned aprons and served lunch to the 200 construction workers in appreciation for their efforts to build a quality facility on time and on budget.

“The efforts put forth by the tradesmen on this project has been nothing short of remarkable,” said Kokolakis, whose company also renovated a housing facility for the U.S. Military Academy at West Point. “With record setting rainfall this summer, it would have been easy for this project to fall behind schedule; but this group took it upon themselves to find a way to work around the rain and keep things on track. I am very proud of this group and the quality I see in this building.”

Overlooking Bragg Memorial Stadium, the new residence hall will house 800 single-occupied bedrooms with two bedrooms sharing a bathroom space. The facility will be a mixed-use model. The design includes several community rooms on each floor for computer labs and lounges. There are university use spaces at ground level and a series of courtyard spaces culminate in a central plaza, envisioned to become a hub of campus activities overlooking the stadium and campus amenities. The exterior venues coupled with a large green space behind the residence hall provide great opportunities for student interaction and campus events.

The dormitory replaces the former Polkinghorne Village, which was constructed in 1967 as a housing complex for military veterans and families. Polkinghorne was demolished in 2011 to make way for the new larger housing facility.

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