Chesire earns second USTFCCCA Athlete of the Week honor

big rattler
1 minute read
This week the United States Track and Field and Cross Country Coaches Association (USTFCCCA) awarded Elias Chesire its National Athlete of the Week honor for the second time this season.

Chesire finished first at the Mid-Eastern Athletic Conference’s (MEAC) Cross Country Championship on Saturday. His performance helped the FAMU men defend their conference crown and earned him his second consecutive MEAC Cross Country Outstanding Athlete title.

The junior chemical engineering student from Eldoret, Kenya has been running for as long as he can remember.

“Running is something you do; it’s normal,” Chesire said about running in Kenya.  

Finding out about his USTFCCCA honor was a surprise to Chesire.

“I thought to myself, ‘anything is possible to get to that level,’” explained Chesire.

After winning the Florida State Invitational and breaking the course record, Chesire’s coach, Wayne Angel, couldn’t help but express his excitement for his nationally recognized athlete.

“This never happened here at this university,” explained Angel. “This is a first. This young man has a lot of firsts.”

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