Crist pledges to reverse Scott’s cuts to Florida’s public universities

big rattler
1 minute read
On Monday, Charlie Crist officially launched his bid to challenge Rick Scott for the Florida governorship. Crist, who served as the 44th Governor of Florida from 2007 until 2011, pledged to fight to reverse Scott’s cuts to the State University System of Florida.

“Today I announce that I am running for governor of Florida, and the reason is to put you back in charge,” Crist told a crowd of supporters.

According to the Tampa Tribune, Crist wants “to restore what he said were billions of dollars in cuts by Gov. Rick Scott to K-12 public schools and higher education, including the Bright Futures college tuition aid program.” The Tribune added that Crist also announced his intention to create a new program that will provide “tuition aid to graduate students in medicine, science, math and technology if they remain in Florida after school.”

FAMU has felt the stark difference in gubernatorial support since Crist left office. Back during his governorship, Crist approved tens millions of dollars of new spending for FAMU’s educational facilities. But Scott has vetoed every construction appropriation line item that the Florida Legislature has tried to give FAMU since he took over in 2011.

Crist was elected to the Florida governorship as a Republican in 2006 but switched to “No Party Affiliation” in 2010. He is now seeking the Democratic nomination for his old job, having joined the party last year.

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