Grice named MEAC co-preseason women’s basketball player of the year

big rattler
1 minute read
FAMU guard Jasmine Grice has been named the co-preseason player of the year by the Mid-Eastern Athletic Conference (MEAC).  She shares the honor with Hampton University senior Alyssa Bennett.

Grice, who completed her undergraduate degree during the summer, returned to play her final season as a graduate student.  She was in the top 10 in National Collegiate Athletic Association Division-I scoring for most of the season, averaging 21.7 points-per-game.  Grice finished the season as the No.9 scorer, after leading the country at one point during the 2012-2013 season.  Grice will look to lead a revamped Lady Rattler lineup this season.  She was also named to the second team All-MEAC.

As a team, the Lady Rattlers were selected to finish fourth overall by the MEAC’s coaches and sports information directors. The Hampton Lady Pirates are preseason favorites to repeat as champions.

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